
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Heifer International Charity Pledge 2009 for Organic Odysseys

Bees...................................The one thing about bees that most folks know is to basically stay out of their way! Some are downright terrified of anything that buzzes, and for good reason, some can be deathly allergic to a sting from a bee. But bees are more than little flying stingers, in fact they are very important to everything living, plant, animal and human alike. You may have picked this up if you happened to see Jerry Seinfelds movie last year, The Bee movie. While it was a cute and funny movie, the story line did help to educate many who are not so aware of this.

Something others may not be aware of is that there has been a crisis of late with the bees. Modern technology is believed to be the culprit as it only seems to be happening in high tech countries. Some blame the cellular phones we all can't do without. To learn more about that just google "Bees disappearing" and you will find a wealth of articles on it.

In poor countries where food is not such a convenience, working to grow crops can be daunting and lots of hard work for little pay in vegetables, and grains for bread. This is where having bees in residence and abundance can be a great blessing.

Heifer International realizes this and offers those in need, through donations of caring supporters, bees, equipment and also most importantly, training on how to keep them. Having these bees can greatly increase the yield of their crops, even doubling it in some countries.

That is why Organic Odysseys has pledged Each month of the coming year to sponsor a Hive to those who could use it best through Heifer international. I will be using the proceeds from my shop to fund this. If all I take in is just enough to do so , then so 'bee' it. :) This is a commitment of Organic Odysseys to help others who are trying to help themselves grow good , healthy and abundant crops, somewhere on our planet. We at Organic Odysseys believe in being our brothers keeper and to share in the blessings we receive with those in need.

We ask that you help in this endeavor by visiting our shop and looking at the diversity of organic themed items there, jewelry, functional art, home decor, and even personal apparel and accessories and choose something , knowing that a part of your purchase of art made from produce from an organic farm is going to help others raise food organically so that they too may live a more healthy and productive life!

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