
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mixed Media Pieces ( my version)

Well I finally got this done! I bought the yarn on Nov 11th after weeks and weeks of frustrated search on etsy to find one of these little neck warmers to display my 80's revision of button covers! First it took me awhile to track some down, hardly anyone carry's them, in fact I found some vintage ones on etsy and snatched them up. I had a few of the smaller size back from the 80's when I used to cover them will all kinds of things and sold quite a few sets.

These however are not just glued on things, but rather the cover is embedded into the clay to lie flat and not giveaway that it is a button cover.

While I was at Joannes for a clay sale, I decided to just make one of these scarfs myself, so I choose three different kinds of yarn, and tried to get some on sale, these new yarns are soooo expensive, more so than when I used to knit and crochet years ago. But then again we had very little selection in those days. I hadn't a clue how to go about this and wanted something totally mine, not someone else's pattern. So I sat down with a couple of pattern books ( for stitches, not articles of clothing and such) and dug out my needles and decided I would not go the knit route this time. I realized why I loved crochet so much, you don't have to worry about dropping stitches! So I choose a hook that I thought matched the yarn and just started in. I just used some basic crochet stitches but with the yarn so variegated and slubby, anything more would just get lost. I finished it off with a ruffled edge and then worried about not placing the button holes.

I searched around through my boxes of fabrics, and trims and found some beautiful hand dyed silk ribbon that matched perfectly. So last night I sat down, figured where I wanted these beauties to sit on the scarf and sewed on the buttons. Then I took the silk ribbon and made buttonholes magically appear!

I then buttoned the buttons, and snapped on the button covers, or Button jewelry as I like to call them and Voila` it was finally done! Actually I had finished the scarf and am currently working on another with a totally different design, but I couldn't find a darning needle to sew the button holes with until yesterday! So now I have taken some pictures, not the best, but it is so dark and dreary today, can't get a good natural light one, but I couldn't wait any longer.

I'll be listing this a little later today, and hope it does well, it sure was a long time in the making and I know it's definitely one of a kind because I am not repeating this one! :)

I do know one thing, If it doesn't sell soon, I may take it out of the store and keep it for myself. I really like how this came out and I love the idea of not having ten yards ( or so it seems some times) of extra scarf you don't know what to do with. This serves it's purpose, to keep your neck warm and not hinder your movements, it's bad enough it's winter and you have to bundle up with bulking winter clothes, no need to get frustrated in the middle of it all!

Oh I forgot to mention. This Scarf is beautiful, functional and artistic, but it doesn't' end there. As I said there are buttons sewn to the scarf and they are buttoned like regular buttons, through holes, then the 'Button Jewelry' is snapped on over the buttons. But when you get to your destination, if you've planned right, you can remove the Jewelry from the buttons on the scarf, and now add them to your blouse! The only requirement is that the buttons on your garment will fit the button cover. The one in the leaf is for your average shirt button, while the one for the eggplant will take a bit bigger button. So now you have cool looking button jewelry to wear throughout the day, so you don't have to leave these lovelies hanging out in the coat closet! Pretty cool, huh?

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