
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Button, Button who's got my Button?

Late last year I went back to the very first thing I ever created, almost two decades ago, buttons. I made a few and listed them in my shop. Then I made a variety and gave them to a friend to experiment with and use in innovative ways. I have posted some of these on flicker, and plan on doing quite a few more in the coming months. I also have a design in mind that I may enter into a contest, more about that later.

I was hanging around etsy today and saw that the treasury was about to open soon, with my window open to the treasury, off I went to work on my studio. I have finally gotten around to reorganizing my space so I can feel unburdened and able to let my creative streams flow. I am making great headway, then I looked at the clock ( which I moved and have now to get used to it's new place). Something faintly flickered in my memory that I was supposed to do something around that time. I couldn't remember what. I went out to get a drink in the kitchen and glanced at the laptop sitting on the dining room table. It was then I remembered the treasury! I quickly brought it up and saw it was over 600 ! I'd missed it by just a half hour! The other day it was only 13 minutes! Oh well, I guess when that happens I should just set the cooking timer and hope I remember why!

Anyway, I made a quick trip through to see if anyone I know made one, didn't find any, but did find this, I love how my button looks with these other muted tones of blues and browns. Also the different textures. Thanks kraplap , I love round things too! Check out her shop, some very unique, and funky items there, not your everyday hand crafted items. Make sure to look at the things made with buttons, I would love to see what she could do with some of mine, I will have to get busy on my New Year's resolution to spread out more and ship outside the US!

Something 'new' that I will be adding to my shop very soon is this nasturtium bracelet which I decided to finish a bit differently than the other bracelets I've made. After finishing the tiles and trying out different beads, I decided to make a button from the molds I'd made of the seed pod heads of the nasturtium flowers.

I made two so may sell the other one separately . I think it's quite interesting in it's own right, but also makes the perfect finishing touch to the baby leaves and buds of the nasturtiums featured on the little tiles. I know I have to get exploring some of the other vegetation I took molds of, but have to admit I am very partial to the Nasturtium plant and is it any wonder? :)


  1. You make the most beautiful buttons ! and that bracelet is terrific. Thanks for being so nice to me and my shop; it's much appreciated.
    Love to read your blog.

  2. Thank you ! I love your inventiveness!
