
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pointy Paws Special

Well, the morning glory Tuscan pendant that was featured in that lovely charity treasury I last wrote about didn't sell yet and is still up for grabs.So in order to encourage some of you to help out in this worthy cause of homeless animals, I have announced in my shop that all things in the Pointy Paws Section are from now until Feb 28th, 20% off.

And remember all proceeds from these sales go to the shelter, I am not taking even material cost out, so 100% to them.

Also just a reminder, I was so happy to be able to purchase a beehive and training through Heifer International last month from the proceeds from my shop, as promised I will be doing so for the whole year. So if something else strikes your fancy in the shop, know that it too will be helping to benefit animals, as well as a whole village.

Have a great Thursday!

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