
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Tax Day!

It seems everything this month was due on the 15th! Boy am I glad that I got all it done and it's over. Those of you who have been procrastinating and did it the last minute can breath a sigh of relief. Relax, have some fun, why not do some online shopping? The Spring Fling contest is still going on, only 4 days left! I've got less than a dozen entries so far so your odds of winning are good.

Why not take a moment right now and go check it out? Click here to read all about it!

And don't forget my prize is this Field of Poppies necklace, especially made for the Spring Fling Hunt .

For those who are Polymer clay or jewelry artists, you will like this. I have polished (buffed) many a piece on my cotton wheel table buffer and never once had anything tork and go flying off on me. That is, not until I was buffing this piece.
I guess for some reason it wanted to live up to it's name and decided to go on it's own 'Spring Fling'! I am happy to report, even though it hit the paneled wall and bounced off and onto the carpet, it didn't hurt it at all! Good strong pendant there! :)

Have FUN Hunting!


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