
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Updated! Wool Day and Honey Day!

UPDATE!!!!: Just found out about this through Heifer International, there is a movement called Keep the Fleece, and one of their efforts is to knit the worlds largest scarf to raise money for fighting hunger around the world. If you are a knitter, check it out here. This is a world wide event, so you will be part of something BIG! They hope to raise a quarter million with this project that will all be joined together at the New York Sheep and Wool Festival Oct 17-18, 2009. So go sign up today!

Yesterday I couldn't post and I had not prepared one to post by itself ( blogger has a scheduled posting, did you know that?) . Yesterday, as declared by Heifer International, was 'Wool Day' and today is Honey Day!

Heifer International is a non-profit organization whose goal is to help end world hunger and poverty through self-reliance & sustainability.

Organic Odysseys makes a donation each month for a beehive which you can read about here.

I would just like to draw attention to this worthy charity, and in honor of Wool Day, have made this cool little knitting sheep pin. It will make it's debut into one of my shops shortly!

And for today, which is Honey Day , (video here ) I made this necklace featuring a shiny silver-plated Honeybee, busy about his work on a Globe Amaranth blossom (which looks a lot like clover, another flower they love!). This too will be debuting in my shop soon.

Please take a bit of time to investigate Heifer International and give where and when you can, Pass on the gift!


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