
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Banner Treasury Week!

I recently was asked to join a new team on etsy, one whose goal is to promote fellow members of the team. When I joined my first team on etsy I thought that was the goal of that group as well, but I have found that the months I have been on there ( going on 8 months) have been far less productive, promotion wise for me than the few weeks I've been on this new team. Mind you I have put every effort, and hours, days even promoting my other teams members, but the reciprocation hasn't been overwhelming, and in this day and age of limited areas of promotion I can access as well as time and money constraints I feel it is time to concentrate on what is most productive, all around.

Today is only Tuesday and already this week I have been in over a dozen treasuries! Which happens to include all my shops. For example right now I am featured in nine treasuries. I know there were a few more over the weekend and today both go off so I am likely to get in one or two of those, but wow! What a team! If you'd like to see the latest, I've been keeping a photographic journal at flickr of them, so as not to bore you here with every little one I'm in, and if you'd like to see it, go here and just click on the Treasury set.

But a picture first, since I can't seem to post without one! From that great tool Craftopolis!
And that is just for Organic Odysseys, my other shops PolkaDotSandals and AlmostARTifacts also have treasuries.


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