
Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Farm is Open! New Art Material at last!

Yes, the Farm where I get my organic veggies, fruit, herbs and much inspiration for my art opened this week. We picked up our first share, an abundance of greens. Lots of spinach, mesculine greens, arugula ( a favorite of mine) bok choy, butter head lettuce and turnips.

Aren't they beautiful? Almost too beautiful to eat, but I made a stir fry with the spinach, bok choy and turnips, (yes turnips, they are great stir fried) right away. We are still working our way through the 1 1/2 lb of spinach and a pound each of the other greens. This week we've been promised we will start picking strawberries, and I can't wait. I love them sliced on top of a spinach and arugula salad with red onions and a orange ginger vinaigrette.

Even the peas are coming up all nice and green,
looking beautiful with the sun coming through them and planted in successive plantings so we have many weeks of picking them. I don't think they will be ready this week ( this picture of the peas was taken last Sunday), but soon. This year I will be sure to get more embedded into the clay. I love their curly little tendrils, reaching out for those strings to grab a hold of and grow up strong!

I've got many new ideas for the herbs, vegetables
and fruits this season. Stay tuned for new debuts. I use every part of the plants, seeds, leaves, blossoms, fruit, stems and even some of the dirt from the farm itself gets mixed into the clay once in awhile.

For those who are new to my blog I have been a member of an organic CSA, which stands for , Community Supported Agriculture, for three years. A Share is an investment (purchased) in the farm each year. I travel about 10 miles one way once a week to pick up the 'dividends' of my share of the crop that week. There is also a section of the farm devoted to crops grown that the share holders can pick for themselves. We have peas, beans, edamame, peppers, tomatoes, herbs and a great variety of flowers, as well as strawberries and fall raspberries. It's the next best thing to having your own farm or large garden. But with the joys of the harvest and none of the work! :)



  1. Ohhh, I can't wait to start picking my produce from our garden. I have green tomatoes that I check twice a day to see it they are turning red and baby zuchini that I hope I can pick tomorrow. yeah!

  2. You must have started early! My first poor tomato didn't survive a deep drop about a month ago. So I had to buy new ones. The largest is only about two feet tall and no blossoms yet! I am so thankful for my farm who put in a hot house to give the tomato plants a head start! We should be eating them a month earlier than last year, I can't wait, I love tomatoes, tomato sandwiches,
