
Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Some of you know of my affiliation with the Etsy Street Team called PCAGOE. From the previous administration of this team (last fall when I joined) to this past July I was the Editor, writer, composer, Circulation and Distribution manager as well as Photo editor for the Newsletter. In other words I put the whole thing together myself (despite written accreditation to others elsewhere). I held this Job on a voluntary basis from March until July and wrote and published all those issues. Due to an internal power struggle, (which I am not interested in participating in as an infj and most infj's will verify this) the job was taken over by another. I tried to hold onto this but after much confliction and biasness (another thing we infj's hate) I had to give up. Sadly this took place the last couple weeks before my darling Jazmines death, and I shall forever be inconsolable over that time I lost trying to stand up for what I believed in, and wasting that time, time I could have spent with her, in her last days. So I stepped down as the Editor but I did not leave the Team. However in my hiatus during my grief period, I have since now found out that I have been removed from the team, both at the forum and in the Flickr Photo pool (this info is so those of you who may have been looking for me in either place will understand what happened to me, if you want more information for your own well being and awareness, please email me at

My apology is to those who had signed up and became used to the quality letter I produced, something I felt 'proud' of because I felt I was giving my all (and about 40 hours time per month, sometimes more) to promote the members of my team, and to inform and entertain our readers.
I feel that I have let you all down, and do feel bad about that, but with these circumstances beyond my control this is what has transpired.

As an INFJ, I am a born linguist you might say, and I have always loved to write. So I have in the works ways to continue to do this, in the polymer clay world and also for artists of a special caliber that creative their art with various materials so stayed tuned here for more information as I shall be making an announcement on that very soon!

Also remember the contest I mentioned in the previous post, keep those comments coming!



  1. This sounds like a very stressful time for you. I think that I was an ENFP so I understand some of your angst. I know that when you birth something and give it all your love and care that it is very hard to let it go, but I also know that when I close a door another opens. I hope it is such for you. You make lovely, lovely things. Perhaps your 40 hours a month in creating the newsletter will be better spent channeling toward your art. I love that last post about the dalmatian. Thank you for sharing your inspiration.
    Enjoy the day!

  2. You did a marvelous job on that newsletter. You are tremendously skilled and talented. I agree with Tresori, and I know better things are in store for you. I am anxiously looking forward to seeing your ideas blossom, and soon! ;) You are the winner in the end.
    So proud of how you are moving forward, even through such bitter trials and loss. Kate, you are great, a real treasure.

  3. Thank you both for such kind words, it brings a cheer to my wounded heart. Thank you for taking time to read my blithering, I know I may not be making much sense lately and thank you all for your tolerance and patience and company through this! May good things be returned to you for your great hearts. :) Kate

  4. Hi Kate,
    I did follow the power struggle a little bit and sorry you got burnt. Condolences also.

    Excuse my ignorance, but what is an infj?

    Amanda (Polyclarific)

  5. you not only worked hard on the newspaper ,
    you always seemed to give so much time and attention to answering questions ... usually including helpful links ! your input is missed
    Grateful I can keep in touch with you here.
    :) m.e.

  6. Oh! - Myers-Briggs - okay. I have not been close enough to hear the noise, but I have felt the vibes for a while, now. I wish you a speedy bounce back. I have a question - since members are required to pay dues. Was your name and info removed while you were still a paid member? Interesting question, I would say. I have been considering not reknewing my membership.

  7. Hi Claycass, I just saw your comment. Thanks for your well wishes!
    About my membership, yes, I am paid until next April. I can't tell you when I was deleted from the groups forum but it was sometime between when I quit as Editor after being degraded in the forums, which I think happened around the 2nd or 3rd of August, and somewhere around the very end of August when I was feeling a bit better to go back and start to get into the swing of things after Jazmines death.
    I don't really mind, since I really don't want to be associated with the leadership in office now but it would have been nice to have made that decision myself after all the time and dedication I spend on the group, but the 'forces' that did that are the main reason I don't want to be associated there, it's not really the membership, I loved the group itself, just some people are more about controlling and being in charge and jealousy than the fun of art and that is just not for me.
