
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Black and White and Blue over you

I decided to try and return to etsy this week. I happened to check on the treasuries and saw that the T West was opening within a half hour so stayed around to see if I could get one. I had no idea what to do for theme, and what has been foremost on my mind took over. I decided on a tribute to Jazz. That took a lot out of me and I didn't feel ready to reopen my shops yet, maybe soon.

I always loved the contrast of black and white, in a world of color this precious creature of mine stood out without even trying. I shall never look at Black and white the same way again.

I looked through every Dalmatian item listed on Etsy. when I saw 'Cedric the Dalmatian', I was stunned. I've never seen another Dali or picture or depiction of one that looked like my Jazz. Jazmine was a pure breed but she was the 'runt'. Only a week and a half I had gotten a 10 month old male Dalmatian as a birthday present for my Fire Chief Husband. He was very rambunctious and was constantly trying to get my 13 year old Pug to play with him. This was late Spring and it was too much for her. My solution? To get him ( Seven was his name) his own puppy. :) I located a breeder with both parents on the premises and called. I told them who the puppy was mainly for and if he could come along with us to choose his own puppy. They said yes and off we went.

They were all cute but out of the nine (we had first choice) it boiled down to two. One a chubby little boy who seemed to like Seven and was playful with him and the scrawny one they called 'Scrapper' because she was fiesty, even thought the runt, she fought her siblings for her meals. She ended up chasing Seven up onto their sofa and biting his ears. We talked to the couple and asked questions. They told us that the little boy was diagnosed by their Vet with a slight heart murmer. Nothing to worry about but I thought different. If he was to be our only pet that might not be a problem, but to be the companion of another athletic male, that might be another story and I would always worry about it. We saw 'Scrapper' chase Seven up onto the sofa and it was settled. We paid the fee, got the papers and took home Seven's new puppy, stopping along the way to get some Arby's roast beef sandwiches for them both to make it a happy memory for both of them. She ruled the roast and Seven from that day one, always held her own. And would give me this look from which ever soft surface she was laying on at the moment, a look I've never seen another Dali make. I can't find a picture right now of this, but when I showed my husband the treasury I made, he started to cry. He recognized it too, and told me I had to get that print, and so I did.

So Cedric shall soon join the pictures I have of my beloved sweet Jazmine, and seeing it may help me feel not so all alone.

The Artist is Pey from Toronto. Etsy shop Peylu. This is a print of a piece done in acrylic on clay. Check out her shop, She is also a Member of EFA Artists Helping Animals . I found it interesting that we shared something else in common, she has a fetish for chairs like I do. Before we moved I had a huge collection of full sized chairs. That has been paired down greatly but I still have a good sized collection of miniature ones, rattan, twig, turned, metal, as well as a silver charm bracelet with six different style chairs and a newly acquired pair of high back silver earrings. :)


1 comment:

  1. Such an interesting post. That print is wonderful. You say the artist painted on clay? That sounds very interesting too.
    I missed seeing the treasury when it was still going, but it was beautiful. You have such an eye for color.
    Jazz' eyes are so beautiful in the photos you have posted. You are going to love that print. I send you hugs and blessings. So glad to see you beginning to emerge from the deep grief and sorrow.
