
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Drawing Postponement

Sorry dear readers, I just couldn't get to this today (Tuesday) it was a hard day for me being the first month anniversary since losing my Jazmine babydoll. I had to leave the house and I'll tell you of my adventurous trip later but for now I wanted to share with you a bit of interesting news I came back home to. I got a convo in my OO mailbox and found out a treasury I am featured in (didn't know about that one either!) was featured on this really cool blog.

It's called S&O Productions and they have a feature called Treasury Tuesday where they pick an "Elite Eight" group of treasuries and feature them on their beautiful blog. Check it out, they also have lots of other interesting posts to follow such as Photography Friday.

Here's the page my treasury was in, Treasury Tuesday the Elite Eight

I promise to make the drawing a little later today so check back!

Meanwhile here's a sneak peek at some experimenting I've been doing.



  1. Beautiful drawings, is your surface polymer clay? Congrats on the fabulous treasury!

  2. I love the your sneak peek items !!!
    I 'd like to peek at some more of them !
    what cool "paintings " !!!
    :) m.e.

  3. Thanks! Yes, they are actually done on a sheet of scrap clay that was blending in such an artistic way I couldn't keep going until it was 'mudd'. I used this for my canvas to texture and then 'paint' with ink. I think I like the backside more than the front side on the second piece. It reminds me of some of the pictures you see from outer space from the hubble telescope!

  4. Love those experiments! I'm wondering how you finish them. when I was playing with inks the finish I used muddied up the colors.

  5. I'll share more info at the forum Jill, see you over there!

  6. Wow those are beautiful!!! I love the colors and the texture there, lovely! :)


    p.s. that is so sweet of you to spread the word about the Elite Eight Thank you!!

  7. Hey Olivia, thanks! and you're welcome, happy to!
