
Monday, October 26, 2009

Bracelets........Copper and Cows

I just finished posting my entry for Art Bead Scenes October Challenge over at Flickr.

This months art piece was very different from the past months, it was a primitive folk art piece done by Ruby C. Williams, chosen by Jennifer Heynen of Jangles.

The title of this painting is 'Piano Playing Cow' and is quite colorful!

Above you can see my interpretation of this art piece. As I described it over at Flickr:

"This is my entry for the October Art Bead Scene Challenge. The painting this month was 'Piano Playing Cow' by Folk Artist Ruby C. Williams.

This was a challenge for me in many ways. First I did not make any polymer clay beads for this, which would have been so easy to do given the colorfulness of the painting :) . Second I choose to not be as literal in my interpretation. And third I had a chance to try out some new tools and also to practice my wire wrapping which I haven't done in awhile and have never done this much in one piece before.

I used the colors of the painting, the grass green, the deep sky blue and the orange of the cow in my bead choices, these are handmade glass beads. To interpret the piano I used white crackled column beads for the white keys and round black beads for the black keys. I also attached a G clef (store bought charm) as I love the look of it, it always denotes music to me. I repeated that curled design in almost all of my beads wrappings with coils, especially the white 'keys'.

I found a pewter milk bottle in my bead collection from a very vintage charm bracelet and attached that, but the cow deserved more recognition, so I added a metal charm I made myself that says 'MOO', the name of this entry. And last but not least, I wanted to include another known bead artist in this piece and since there was so much silver I decided on this wonderful rustic and organic looking silvered glass bead by the Lampwork Diva herself Cindy Gimbrone."

I have been gathering a lot of new tools lately and also stock piling metals for upcoming designs, using any coupons I can from the craft stores and even shopping at automotive and mens tool stores~! I've gotten pounds of clay and think I am just about set for winter since I don't go out unless necessary due to an accident I had in the winter weather that has semi disabled me.

Come November I will be reopening my shops, as well as a new one so stay tuned!

I've also been discovering some new blogs lately and one of these is called Sweet Bead Studio which is a beautifully designed blog by Cindy Wimmer. Her name may be familiar to some and if not, stop by and check it out. Right now (two days left!) she is sponsoring a giveaway of the newest edition of Easy Wire by Beadwork Magazine. Her beautiful copper bracelet graces the front cover, and part of the first prize is all the items needed to make it! I can testify that the magazine is worth getting. There is also a cool pair of earrings she designed in there as well and many designs to help you in your jewelry making skills. Also a beautiful necklace by Sharon of Bijoux Jardin can be found in this issue as well. So stop on over and check out Cindy's blog and see her beautiful bracelet and other wonderful things there!

Enjoy the week as the weather paints the trees in their most colorful array before they fall!



  1. Very nice work!! I love your interpretation of the painting!! Good luck!

  2. Ah a bracelet with a " MOOSIC " theme !
    (sorry ..just couldn't help myself)
    LOVE the braclet ! It's another great example of expect the unexpected ,which I always expect from you ! :D m.e.

  3. funky entry for abs - really nice!

  4. Hi Kate, Your bracelet is amazing and I love the spirals, of course! Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I'm glad you have a copy of Easy Wire because the projects are the best yet, IMHO! Talk to you very soon.

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog post...and your submission for the Art Bead Scene challenge is amazing!! What an incrdible charm bracelet. You sure met the challenge...I especially like how you added the milk jug and the "moo" charm.
    Thank you for the sweet words and link to my blog give away!! :-)

  6. Thank you all for such lovely compliments! I really felt I was out on a limb with this one limiting myself to no polymer clay beads made to fit! :)
