
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lots of Bead winnings!

I have just recently (within the past few months) started to enter beading contests, something I never thought I would do even though I have been beading on and off for over ten years. In doing so I think in everything I have entered so far I have won something which again is something new for me. I think the last creative award I won before this past year was a cooking contest! And that was so many years ago I don't care to think back that far! But as things go, I have been blessed with these winnings of late.

First from ART BEAD SCENE I won the Designer of the month contest which gifted me with some wonderful beads from renowned artists.

The two pewter ones on the right , one a tubular bead with birds and the other a fat little owl are made by Green Girl Studio's and the rest are made by Cindy Gimbrone, titled The Glyph Series beads, antique silver coated ceramic beads and a faux stone hand pendant. Another great prize from this challenge is a Gift Certificate from Evie's Tool Emporium, which I can't wait to go spend! Thanks to all three of you! What wonderful prizes!

I will have to see what I can come up with to highlight these interesting beads. Perhaps I can combine them with some of my winnings from the House of Gems contest. I was again surprised to learn I'd won a consolation prize of $100 shopping spree. There were 300 entries and my submissions were chosen. I recieved the Environmental Awareness award. You can see my entries here ( bottom of page) and here (top of page).

I only had until Sept 30th to take advantage of this GC, and I waited until the last day. Perhaps it was because the win was bitter sweet, I had entered the contest on a whim on the day before Jazmine died. I was trying to get my mind off her illness, and really afterwards I forgot all about it. I had read that we were supposed to be notified but that didn't happen. In fact I never would have known I had won if I hadn't been reading a fellow PC'ers blog, Sharon of BijouxJardin, and saw that she won the Grand Prize, congrats again Sharon!! So make sure if you do enter a contest to check back since they don't always notify you!

I spent my prize on some interesting beads and findings, along with some silver and Gold wire so have lots to work with now.

Last night I was reading ART BEAD SCENE's Blog and wanted to see the new artwork for the challenge and just happened to read one of the following posts from Saturday and found out I'd won another bead offering!

So as you can see I have lots to work with in the coming months!


  1. Wow!! Congrats!! :))) You deserve it though...your designs are beautiful, unique and inspiring :) I'm very happy for you :)

  2. Hi Kate,
    Congratulations on your winning streak! It is exciting to win goodies and create with beads you've never worked with before. It was very sweet of you to purchase the fall issue of Stringing just because I'm on the cover! You really should enter your work.

  3. Thanks so much Sharon, I have checked out the entry dates and just missed one, thinking of trying for the next one though! I saw your bracelet too and recognized it as your work before even reading that it was! :)

  4. Kate-
    Looking forward to hearing from you!
    Michelle @ Evie's Tool Emporium
