
Friday, October 16, 2009

What eating organic can do for the environment as well as You!

Do you eat organic foods? drink organic drinks like milk, juice, etc? If so you know that it is better for your overall health but did you know how much impact this has on the environment's health?

Organic Valley is a dairy that has been tracking this kind of thing for over two decades. They make all kinds of delicious things besides the best tasting milk, cream, half and half. They use their milk to make delicious cheeses, cream cheese, cottage cheese and butter.

I subscribe to their newsletter and they recently sent me this cool link to see how much of an impact using just their organic products have on the environment. Go there to see what you are saving the planet and helping to keep not only yourself but the earth you live on healthier!

Just with my dairy usage per year I am keeping 60 lbs of synthetic nitrogen from being used and almost a pound of pesticides being sprayed. 90% of my veggie purchases come from my organic CSA farm and frozen organic veggies so that goes up a great deal more poundage in pesticides.

Now just imagine how much more you are saving if you are eating grains and veggies and meat that are organic too!

If you haven't tried Organic Valley products, go here and check out their products and then go to the top links and on the far left click on 'Products' and then choose 'Coupons' down at the bottom. This will bring you to a page where you can choose coupons to print out so you can try their products!

Bon Appétit~!


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