
Friday, February 5, 2010

Feeding your Creativity Friday - One World, One Heart

Bienvenue! Dobro pozhalovat'! Bienvenidos! Benvenuti! Irashaimasu! Merhaba! Foon ying!Huan ying! Velkomen! Brucha haba'a! Bine ati venit! Witaj! Welkumme! Dobrodošli! Tervetuloa! Vítejte!Velkommen! Bonvenon! Tervetuloa! Kalos orisate! Suswaagatam! Benvenuti! Sveika atvykusi!

I'm sorry but the deadline is here! I won't be taking any more comments towards the drawing. I will be drawing the 9 winners later on today and announcing them as soon as possible. Thank you all who visited and participated!

WELCOME! And THANK YOU for stopping by my Blog! I've rolled out the Welcome Mat (my special Magic Carpet!) for old friends and followers and new friends to be from around this great green earth of ours! I am pleased to have stumbled upon the blog of Lisa Swifka, A Whimsical Bohemian, it is a fantastic blog , you must save that link and go back and visit it often. I honestly don't know how I got there, I go through dozens of emails per day and hundreds of websites, especially when writing for my own blog or just looking for something and one link leads to another, but somehow I found this wonderful event. Designed by Lisa in 2007 it is in it's fourth years and each year the participants grows abundantly.

UPDATE!!! I will be taking entries until 6am EST Feb 15th , then I will draw the nine winners and make an announcement later tomorrow morning. Thank you all for visiting me! :)

In a nutshell each participating blog owner is offering a heartfelt giveaway. When you get your ticket you go to the link above and you will see all the participants from around the world listed on the right sidebar. Just click on them and you will be taken to a page on their blog similar to mine. You will see this same poster. Visit them, learn about them a bit and leave a comment and you are entered into their giveaway. All winners will be announced and posted on Feb 15th (unless otherwise noted on individual blogs).

What a wonderful way to draw us closer together? I love it, I am just sorry I didn't know about this back in January when it started, I would have had time to plan better but since it's still open until the 8th I am throwing my blog in to the wonderful mix!

So welcome fellow Bloggers from around the world.

Rules: Very few!
Please leave me a comment so I know you were here and tell me what country you are from! Also please make sure that your icon links back to your blog where your email is listed somewhere so I can contact you if you are a winner! That's all you need to do to be entered into my drawing!

I am sorry to say I don't have a giveaway all prepared, but between now and the drawing date I will make something special just for this occasion, and knowing me, it will be more than one, so we may have many winners! (Please see below for update) For those who are new to my blog I already run a weekly giveaway on Mondays, called Mystery Monday, you can look back through my blog to see what that is about. I also have other weekly features such as:

Team T International Tuesday where I highlight a member of my etsy team which is composed of all kinds of artists and craftsmen/women.

What's New Wednesday - where I let you know what's new with me, my artworks, shops, contests I'm entered into and more. This coming week I will reveal the creation I made with the Beads I received in a huge Bead Soup Party Swap! So if you love beads and Jewelry stop back and see what I and over 80 others have created with our 'Soup'!

Thrifty Thursday I share what I've found in my searches and also from my many emails that will help you stretch your money further so you can have some left over to help others and buy craft supplies! :) Also eco friendly tips!

Feed Your __________ Friday, this day I present something to feed your soul, mind, body or as the case in this post, your creativity and sharing and learning about others. Always something different, and hopefully inspiring for you!

I don't post much on the weekends, time to rest, and regroup, but sometimes I have pre-scheduled posts, or reminders about the Mystery Monday giveaway to get your entry in, or maybe just share with you some of the joys I find outside my window each day with all the wild life in my yard there is always something interesting or amusing going on! So I hope you will enjoy your time here and please come back again, or subscribe to RSS feed or click on the Google button over my followers in the sidebar! Let's not let this be a one time visit, I'd love for you to come again!

Now getting back to the GIVEAWAY.......................
I am currently in a large bead swap which will be revealed next Wednesday so as I finish off my project for that I may also make something special for the giveaway here. I will try and post pictures of them as soon as possible.

Right now we are bracing for a Blizzard, BRRRR, and I haven't had great photography weather but will do so as soon as I can. If you would like to know a bit about my artwork you can visit my shop in the sidebar or my Flickr site for more pics!

I can tell you this, although I am mainly at present an Artist working in Polymer Clay, I also like to do paper art, recycled and re-purposed art, collages, photography, textile art projects and more! So it could be anything! The anticipation makes it more fun, don't you agree? :)

Again Welcome!!! I am so happy to have you visit me and I hope you enjoy your time spent here and will come back soon!

Now get on your magic carpet and ride on out to discover more wonderful blogs!

GIVEAWAY UPDATE! I love it that so many have come to visit me even though I started late. I have been gathering some prizes together and so far have these teasers to offers (no pics I still like the idea of a surprise!) Something green, something heartfelt, something to inspire, something to be creative with, something to wear, something to read, something to share, something for fun AND something to listen too!

Ok, I couldn't resist, must post some teasers for you. Some of these are prizes, others may be components I may use to make you something with. I'd love to tailor each prize to the winner drawn so these may change.

That's right, one prize for each day I have been on the ride!

How's that to peak your interest? :)

Again, thanks to Lisa for organizing this fantastic event!



  1. I can not believe I am number ONE!! It is so wonderful to meet so many great blogs like yours on this Magic Carpet Ride! Excuse me but I have to go now to see what is on your etsy shop!!! And to view the other posts...Put my name in your drawing and then stop by to enter my beaded bracelet giveaway...
    Sharon (#52)

  2. Can't wait to see your give away! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

  3. Nice blog... nice stuff. With even the mere thought it might be a bead or beads, well - that's all it takes for me :-)

    Thanks for the chance,

    P.S. I looked through some pasts posts and fell in love with Twiggy!

  4. Your beads are beautiful -- and I love a mystery! Come visit my blog for a giveaway prize, too.

    Kathy V in NM
    Artful Muse (#513 OWOH)

  5. I would love any of your gifts! Thank you for entering me in your giveaway.

    Grace in California's Mother Lode

  6. Well I Love surprizes, so please add me to your drawing! If you have time stop by and enter mine #86

  7. I love mysteries, please count me in.

  8. What a great giveaway!! Please enter my name and come stop my by mine #750. - Krystal (

  9. Hello from California! :)
    Enjoying your blog.

    Tere Carns

    off on a magic carpet ride! * whoosh *
    #956 - Delightful Whimsy-

  10. A surprise sounds like fun - I'm amazed at the wonderful items on all the sites. This is my first time I've taken part and am having a blast.

    Please include me in your contest

    #834 & #835

  11. I LOVE surprises! Please include me in your OHOW giveaway.
    Thanks, Tracy

  12. Thanks for joining OWOH - would also love to be surprised, so please enter my name in your competition. Hope you will also enter my giveaway #112 Empress Wu

  13. I love surprises! Thank you to add me on your list.

  14. I love a good mystery so please count me in and why not join in my giveaway too.

  15. Please enter me into your drawing. A surprise is always fun!

    Thanks for offering a giveaway and I hope I win. (Fingers crossed and chanting, hope I win repeatedly! hehehe)

    Austin, Texas
    msloyola at gmail dot com

  16. I love surprises, Kate!
    I`m happy to have a chance of winning your wonderful giveaway.
    Please visit mine as well (I´m number 17 !!!)
    Thanks and best wishes
    MARTINA from Stuttgart/Germany

  17. It will be nice to receive a surprise, thanks for the chance to win. Fly over to my blog to enter mine.

  18. wow I love suprises!Very creative! and what a fantastic giveaway! Please count me in...and pop over to my place to check out my giveaway! Hope your havin a great weekend!

    Much love

  19. Oh please count me in. I love a surprise!
    Sadie x
    OWOH #962 come visit me too :-)

  20. Thank you for the opportunity to win this surprise giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on the magic carpet!

  21. Hello from Georgia, USA!! I'm really having fun flying from blog to blog and seeing so much talent!
    I'm new to the art world and overwhelmed by all the different kinds of art I might could learn.
    Please enter me and thank you for your generosity!

  22. Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this- please add my name to the hat. :) And if you haven't already, don't forget to stop by my blog for chances to win prizes, too! #318 on the magic carpet...

  23. Hi dear!!! I like your idea! It’s very Awesome! I wish to ALL who will participate in this wondefull give-away, Big Good Luck! Yohooooo! ;)

  24. Wow, I love surprises! Please put my name in the hat and stop by my blog to check out my giveaway- ticket #194.

  25. Hi,

    A mystery prize is always great fun -- thanks for this great chance! :)

    If a glass bead necklace sounds good to you, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there.

    Greetings from Munich,

    PS: Would you consider changing your blog's color scheme? Reading white on (nearly) black is somewhat straining. I would love to follow your blog and visit it more often, yet currently it's too hard for my eyes. :(

  26. I'm quite sure the OWOH Riders love a mystery! And I know I do. You have a wonderful Etsy shop, I'm sure anything you come up with will be fun!
    Glad you joined the Ride!
    OWOH Ticket Holder #21

  27. love please enter me in the drawing.... and then come and see my blog at #3

  28. blog celebration & great giveaway, count me in!

  29. I like surprises and your etsy shop!

    Come see my giveaway too...... #757

  30. Wow, you are a very busy artist! I love mystery giveaways!


  31. I like the idea of a mystery giveaway. I also didn't know about the event before hand so I was in a mad dash to make something to give away too, I wish I'd have thought of a mystery giveaway. Great idea.

  32. I love the idea of a mystery...a surprise is so lovely!!!

    rennieangie at gmail dot com

  33. "Kamusta" from the Philippines! I love surprises, and I'm sure you're making something nice! patsy.paterno (at) If you haven't already, do drop by my blog for a prize too!

  34. I love surprises so please count me in on you give away. If you have time please ride your carpet by my place, # 169 on the ticket list, to see the Friendship Plaque I am offering. Hope you are enjoying your ride - I sure am!!

  35. Dear Kate, it's a pleasure to meet you through One World One Heart. I love the work in your etsy shop, so I think what you'll be offering as a surprise will be just as nice! :)
    I hope that you will please come and visit with me on your magic carpet tour:
    Theresa #263

  36. I have been soooo unable to figure out what your Mystery Monday images are. (Does that mean I'm not very observant?) Maybe my luck will change on this magic carpet ride. Please enter me :)

  37. Oh a mystery giveaway! Love it, count me in!

  38. Your work is so lovely, please include me in your drawing giveaway.

  39. Suits me! Please count me in!

    Pirjo from Finland; an OWOH giveaway #338

  40. Love surprises! Count me in and visit me at #220

  41. Nothing is more fun than a surprise. And from looking at your artwork, the surprise will be something fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. I love surprises, and after looking at your blog & shop, I'm sure anything you make will be beautiful!

    Hope you can stop at my blog & enter my giveaway, too! #344

  43. A mystery sounds like fun! Count me in.

  44. Hello from the north of 60! I hope you are enjoying ride on the Magic Carpet as much as I do. Please add my name to the draw, mystery is always intriguing...

  45. Your jewelry is beautiful! I will definatley be visiting again! Please enter me in your drawing.

  46. Your work is really nice! I love the natural aspects. Please enter me.
    Please stop by and join my magic carpet ride too!

  47. Oh please count me! I have followed your blog as I think your work is beautiful.

  48. Thanks for the chance of your surprise giveaway! I hope you can come see mine here (if you haven’t already!)

    Sherry from England, UK (ticket #251)

  49. ooh that sounds like a bit of fun - I'd love to win a surprise!! Please count me in!

  50. I love surprises!count me in please!Sue

  51. Sounds like fun! You make so many pretty things that I am sure we will love it! Please enter my name and visit me soon! ♥

  52. Definitely sounds interesting to me ;o) Please enter my name and thank you for sharing your talent!

  53. You leave us free to speculate.
    What fun!

  54. I would love to be in your drawing. Thanks for joining in and I am excited to see your items:) Do stop over and enter mine when you can:) Blessings, Jenna Louise

  55. Who doesn't love a good surprise!? So fun! Hope you have time to fly over and visit me at #332.

  56. I just checked out your Etsy page and love your work. I would love to be included in your drawing. Come visit me at #992.

  57. Wonderful stopping by your blog! I do love surprises! Please count me in! Hugs Rowena

  58. What a wonderful giveaway it shall be! Drop by my blog too, #968. What a great carpet ride this year!!

  59. Nice to meet you! I happen to like surprises, so please put my name in the draw! Thanks for the chance and please stop by my giveaway, too!

  60. Oh i love paper and photography! Mysteries are good!

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  61. Surprises are the best and I am willing to take the chance. Pls toss my ticket in your hat and then come take a chance on # 978. Cheers

  62. Oooh, a surprise! What fun :-)

    If you haven't already flown by on this wonderful magic carpet, please visit my blog == eat write create == and enter to win some of my photographic art cards!

    alphabetsoupstudio AT yahoo DOT ca

  63. I love a great surprise, I can't wait to see what you offer! Please count me in!

  64. Swooping by from Alabama on my Magic Carpet ride. What an awesome adventure this has turned out to be. So many interesting many talented artist and oh my...more than one or two kindred spirits I have found.

    I feel as though I have already been given a gift from each blog I visit. Having something made by or given from the heart is indeed something special.I love long as they aren't scary ones..well even those are good sometimes...Ohhhh enter my name...LOL!!!!

    When you take flight again, please come on down and visit me at Southern Ooaks #760. Have some SWEET Iced tea....look around and enter for one of my treasures from the heart.


  65. I do love surprises - only of the nicest,brightest most colourful kind.Please count me in and I hope you get a chance to fly on by my giveaway #999 xxx

  66. I love surprises so count me in.

  67. Greetings & Salutations,
    Mystery Gifts Are An Enchanting OWOH Giveaway!

    Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
    Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

    Lovely Blog.

    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward

    P.S. I will be announcing three winners on 2/15/10. AND if I'm lucky enough to win any treasure, that booty will be displayed as well. AND the OWOH Giveaway win(s) will remain on my blog in Awards & Contests for eternity.

  68. I love surprises! Please enter me.


  69. Love the work I see on your shop and can't wait to see what you come up with! Cool! Come see me too and toss your name in if you like!

  70. I love the mysterious giveaways! Please enter me, too!

  71. Greetings from Salem ! Such fun traveling by magic carpet to visit new and old friends. lovely giveaway please enter me too! Susan
    I invite you to visit my blog giveaway I have fresh baked brownies and cinnamon tea prepared for my visitors!

  72. Hi! It's so nice to meet you.

    Your PC work is awesome. I dabbled in PC, but haven;t touch it in a while. You insopire me.

    Stop by and enter my giveaway when you have time.

    Magic Carpet #460
    Southern Illinois USA
    prpldy at comcast dot net

  73. Hello from The Sunshine State! Hope it warms up for you. Brrrrr
    Mystery is fun. It's nice of you to join in.

    Come by and sign up for my GiveAway, too. #243
    Donna, The Decorated House

  74. Sounds great, I love a surprise. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you.

  75. can't wait to see what your giveaway will be... please enter my name for a chance, I hope you are having as much fun as I am and when you get a chance stop by #234 on the magic carpet.
    Hugs, antonella :-)

  76. I love mysteries! I can't wait to see what you decide to do! Please count me in!

  77. I'd love to win!
    Thank you for a lovely stop on the Magic Carpet.
    Outrageous joy,
    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
    #111 on the blog tour

  78. I love a mystery and I checked some of your photos on Flickr and you do beautiful work. Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks

  79. ooh surprise pressies are indeed best!! What a treasure I'm sure it will be!! Thanks for sharing!! :::Smiles:::
    Shelly OWOH #435

  80. Oh a mystery, fun!

    jlh774 at gmail dot com

  81. I love surprises! Your work is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!

  82. Thanks for offering this great giveaway and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

  83. Wondering things in your etsy shop! Please include my name!

  84. Thank you for the opportunity to win this great gift! Please stop by and sign up for mine, I am #387 on the carpet ride!

  85. a surprise from you would be great! i saw some of your art in the sidebar and they are wonderful!

  86. wooo, I can't wait to see your surprise!
    Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you.
    I will back to visit after the event.

  87. I love surprises so count me in. I hope you'll visit my blog too if you haven't been there already. I'm bookmarking yours so I can read more later. Nice to meet you and stay warm in the blizzard!

  88. Oh how fun, love surprises. Beautiful blog! Please include me in your giveaway.

  89. I had a look around your blog and I love what I saw. I was especially interested in the post about "World Peas." Last year was my first to try to grow peas and I only got SEVEN pods. I thought it was me. Now I believe it was the weather, after reading your post.

    I love your blog, so would appreciate any gift you make. I have you book marked and will be back. I'm #79 on the OWOH Magic carpet ride.

  90. Thanks so much for the giveaway Surprises are so much fun Please count me in
    stop by and enter mine #904 on the Magic Carpet Ride

  91. I love your beads ... and I also love surprises.

  92. A surprise give-away! Great!!! Of course I'd love to win one of your lovely creations :-) So please include me in your drawing!
    Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

    Greetings from Germany,
    Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)

  93. Surprises are GOOD! I would LOVE the chance of winning.

    Nice meeting you. Please stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway when you get a chance as well! I'm number 694

  94. I just love surprises. Thanks for making my carpet ride a swell one!

  95. Hi Kate !I really enjoyed looking around at all your unique creations ! I would love to win any sweet prize that you come up with ! Thanks for the chance. Enjoy the OWOH adventure !

  96. I love surprises. You do wonderful work so am keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance.

  97. I love surprises especially bead surprises. I know it will be wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win--


  98. Hi Boog, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love surprises. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


  99. We are having so much fun jumping from blog to blog. I love your giveaways please sign me up

  100. loved surprises! please enter me in your drawing and drop by my blog too if you haven't. #955 on the magic carpet!

  101. I love surprises, do count me in! :)

  102. Hello! I'm from Buffalo, NY. Your blog sounds like so much fun- I think I'll become your newest stalker!! Love the idea of a surprise giveaway and how generous of you to be offering so many prizes! Please count me in :)

  103. This sounds like a really wonderful giveaway! We are getting ready to get hit with a storm this week, took, but I think it will be less than a foot, so not as bad as some of the other areas that are getting hit. Thanks for offering such a generous gift! I hope you get a chance to stop by and enter mine! (#222)

  104. What a wonderful giveaway you're offering! I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well. #227 on the magic carpet.

  105. Hi from Ireland. Please count me in for your wonderfully generous draw

  106. Hello from Northern Ontario, Canada! Oh yes, please, enter my name for your lovely giveaway. I would so love to win, after all who doesn't love a surprise:-) If you haven't already, come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox

  107. Love surprise giveaways! Excited to see what you come up with, hopefully you will post with the non-winners!

  108. oh my I love surprises and your littel teasers sound fab, would love to win

  109. Hi Kate! Count me in! I love your blog.
    Enjoy the day!

  110. I'm Wendy in Sydney Australia. A great idea to have a surprise can't wait to see what it is. Please count me in and thanks for visiting my blog.

  111. Lol....just noticed the comment above. I am Wendy from Cairns Australia. I love surprises and think your blog is very interesting. Thanks for the chance to visit your blog.

  112. your blog is beautiful. Please include me in your drawing.

  113. what an exciting offering!
    i love your judaic themes and ancient quality to your pieces!!
    please drop by my blog #774!

  114. What a fun fun giveaway, surprises are so exciting and clues, well, those just peak my interest even more.
    visit me too #1029

  115. Beautiful and charming blog! So magical!!
    A beautiful and stunning treasure ! I love surprises!
    I am traveling on my magic carpet ,my first year with OWOH flying from Connecticut.
    My blog #937

  116. You have piqued my interest :D I do love your approach though to this magic carpet ride, I'd love to be included in your draw.

    Do stop by mine when you can:

    OWOH #931

  117. I just Love Surprizes!!

    retsbar2go AT gmail DOT com

  118. Hi from Sunny Singapore :)
    Everyone loves surprises so do I :)
    Please include me in your drawing. Thank you !

  119. Hi Kate,
    Love this event that made it possible to learn about your blog!
    Nice of you to visit mine (#7) at Loose Ends!
    Thank you for the chance to become a happy owner of your Surprise giveaway.
    Smiles from the Netherlands!

  120. Pleased to meet you Kate. i love the sound of your recycled repurposed art. I find great inspiration in being able to give something old a new life and rescuing it a little longer from the recycle bin. Off to look at the rest of your blog xJ

  121. Thank you for flying by my blog on your carpet, I am grateful for what you said and will treasure it in my heart and it will help heal my soul. Good luck.
    Please enter me in your drawing, I have been to all of your shops and your work speaks to me on so many levels.
    Thank you again for everything.

  122. Kate, thank you so much for stopping by my blog #807 and your kind words. I'm excited to giveaway one of my girl bracelets. I have been a big fan of yours as well. I would love to own a piece of your work. please enter my name for one of your 9(unbelievable that you are giving away 9) prizes. I Know they will be fabulous.

  123. Sounds great! I bet they are all very awesome. ~Cassie angelandspot(at)

  124. Lovely blog ( I am now following). Thank you for the entry.

  125. Hey, I love a mystery giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win. I'm in the USA. In TX to be exact. ;) Come and check out my giveaway too. I'm #855

  126. I love your surpisey givaways! Count me in for such fun!

  127. Hello from Wisconsin, USA! I LOVE surprises! I also love paper crafting, making projects with polymer clay and making jewelry, so....I'm sure I'll love whatever you "craft" for your giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
    *smiles* debbi

  128. i love a surprise - thanks for stopping by my blog today =)

    (Colorado, USA)

  129. Your work is beautiful! Thanks for your giveaway and for visiting me....I will be back!

  130. I love beads, and a good surprise, I can't wait to see what you come up with!
    Waxela (wa-shay-la)

  131. Hi Kate,
    I would love to enter your drawing. Please stop by my musical giveaway at # 585 on the carpet ride.

  132. What a lovely giveaway. I love to be surprised. I live in New Hampshire in the United States. Please enter me...

    I'm #16 on the list - do drop by.

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  133. surprises are fun. thanks so much for the opportunity to enter your drawing. this is such a fun way to meet other folks. I hope you'll stop by my blog and enter my giveaway as well. So nice to meet you.(USA)

  134. Please add my name to the hat :o)

  135. Thanks for stopping by my blog - so nice to meet you. Hope to see you again. Thanks for including me. I'm at

  136. Surprises are always grand! Thank you for your generous giveaway. I hope you are enjoying the carpet ride too! Please be sure to visit my blog at #833! Rebecca in Connecticut, USA

  137. I love surprises! Thanks for the chance.

  138. I do love a surprise! Please put my name in the drawing. Drop by and take a look at what I'm giving away.


  139. A mystery gift! Fun!!! Please include me! Then come on over and enter my giveaway too! Everyone is welcome!

    (#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)

  140. I love surprises! Please enter me in your drawing and stop by my blog for my giveaway!

  141. Ooh, goody! Thanks for the chance to win a surprise!!

  142. Greetings from Virginia.
    Oh wow... I just love surprises! Great blog you have here too! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

    Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

  143. love surpises...i heart your blog...count me in please...isn't this fun?? it is so great to meet you...please visit my blog #1069, if you haven't, 4 a chance to win a handmade clutch purse...i live on a tiny island off florida's east coast USA...hugs and blessings, Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Oooo... I love surprises! Thank you so much for giving us all a chance to win such a fun giveaway. :)


  146. Sheesh, had to delete my earlier comment. I forgot the most important tell you where I am from. I live in NE, USA.

    I love a good mystery and surprise. What fun. I do hope you had a blast during the bead swap and are enjoying this event. Your giveaway is terrific! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks for participating in the OWOH event.

    visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com

  147. I love surprises! Thanks for visit my blog at #314, Lotion in Bar from Texas!

  148. Flying in from Australia and I LOVE surprises too. Thanks so much for the chance to win and your lovely comment on my post...
    Jenny x

  149. Flying in from Wisconsin...

    Your giveaway is heavenly! If you get a chance, fly over to my blog (#922) to win my necklace! Well, I'm on my way to the next magical destination...

    Hugs and Happiness,
    Heavenly Humor

    February 11, 2010 2:45 PM

  150. Please include me in your giveaway!
    Thank you for this opportunity to join in on the fun!

  151. Blessings from the USA. A brief peek around tells me anything you make for this will be FANTASTIC! I love your style. And anyone who quotes Degas is okay by me.

  152. Hello, thank u for this opportunity. Great giveaway!
    If you have time please feel free to drop by my blog to join my OWOH #293.

    Grace (from Malaysia)
    My shop:

  153. Hello from southern California. Good to have you as a traveling companion on the journey. One World, One Heart. Buttons, buttons, buttons, please.

  154. Just visited your Etsy store and your work is just beautiful, and what a sweet surprise of a gift! I would love to enter... if haven't already, feel free to enter my give-away at #135 for a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes!
    Thank you, and nice meeting you!
    Peace & Love from New Zealand

  155. hi from Australia, i would love to be included in your giveaway. Thanks for stopping by my blog too...jenxo

  156. Please enter me in this Wonderful Giveaway!


    I am from Mn in the USA

  157. 'One World One Heart' is so much fun... visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,...

    Oooh... a surprise, that's great! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)

    Greetings from Belgium,
    Saskia :)

  158. Hi Kate from Victoria, Australia.
    I love surprises so I am happy to be here.
    Please enter me into the draw.
    Thanks Lynda

  159. Oooh I love surprises so I'd love to win this! Thank you :)

    Please visit my blog at #711 on the magic carpet to win a designer Cath Kidston bag, handmade by me, and some surprises!

  160. Your giveaways sound very exciting! I toured your blog a little bit and I just love your "Swinging on a Breeze" necklace. It is so gorgeous and unique!

  161. Sound like you are up to something good! :)
    Please count me in!
    And do pop in my home to see what I put on my magic carpet!*wink
    I am no.950

    Have a safe ride,'s quite far! :)

  162. Love surprises and I'm sure whatever you make/offer will be wonderful.
    Thanks so much for visiting me today and hope to see you again!

  163. Kate! thanks so much for stopping at my blog here in Lockport, NY--I'm loving your blog and probably would not have made it here without your comment on mine (so many blogs, so little time)

    I'll be back for more.....

    ~Lynn #817

  164. I am up for a surprise so plese enter me. I found your introduction really interesting and I signed up to follow. Can't wait to read more.

  165. You have definitely peaked my interest and I would love to be in the draw for one of your surprise "somethings" please. I love surprises. Please stop by my place #70, have a look around and enter into my draw. Great meeting you.


  166. Well, I LOVE surprises! Please count me in for a chance to win.

    If you have time and have not yet done so, please come and see my giveaway (#154)
    Greetings from bonny Scotland and enjoy the ride!

  167. You have some great items in your shop, so a surprise from you should be fantastic!

  168. Hello Kate! Nice to be here and any gift from a new friend is going to be great!
    Best wishes from Tennessee #1035

  169. Oh my, what fabulous, generous prizes. Please put my name in the hat!!

  170. I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing.

  171. Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your wonderful drawing! I'm #206 on the magical OWOH ride! Please come visit if you haven't already! Lisa :)

  172. Hi Kate,
    Thanks for the comments on my blog,Greetings from Australia,
    Love,Light and Rainbows

  173. I have been enjoying your blog. I love the idea of an Organic Artist and Green Crafts!!
    I am looking forward to visiting again;)
    Cheers from Cleveland,Ohio USA


  174. Please enter my name in your generous giveaway. I hope you are having as much fun as I am checking out all these fabulous blog of creative people.

  175. Thanks for the chance to win, its lovely. Trianna from Victoria Canada.

  176. Visiting with OWOH, thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway :-) lovely idea Something green, something heartfelt, something to inspire, something to be creative with, something to wear, something to read, something to share, something for fun AND something to listen too. Sounds enticing :-) Please visit my blog and enter my draw too.

  177. Surprises are such fun! Thanks for the entry. I'm #836 .

  178. Please enter my name. :0) I am also having a giveaway and would love for you to stop by and enter. #1025

  179. Great giveaway! I'm intrigued *_* Please count me in.
    Come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already (i'm #481) =D

    Let's continue the ride on the magic carpet!

  180. I'm so glad to have found your blog (and hope you've enjoyed the winter weather!)!

    Hope you've been able to drop by my giveaway too:

    Michaele (michaelek1(at)yahoo(dot)com)

  181. Love your blog! So glad I stopped by!~~~XXOO, Beth #295

  182. Hi from Minnesota, U.S.
    Wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win! (I'm #811)

  183. -- something bout a surprise is magical.. thnks for the opportunity.. . t c
    mitz_zee@yahoodotcom... I know it will be
    ** polymer-riffic ** ( USA )

  184. Hi Kate!

    I would love to be in your giveaway! Surprises are fun! Please count me in.

    I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.

    Hope to see you there!

    mrscmc7 at gmail dot com

  185. How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)


  186. Count me in I love surprises! :)

    Christina from Manila, Philippines here! Nice to meet you!

    I hope you can also drop by #615 on these last hours!

    ♥ Blessings! ♥

  187. This is a brilliant giveaway (and I adore the necklace!). Thank you for the chance to win, xx

  188. How fun, I love surprise packages.

    My OWOH giveaway is for one of my fine art photographs - stop by and see what strikes your fancy.

  189. You have a wonderful giveaway. I am from Texas, USA I'm #736 and hope you visit sometime. I am a follower now.

  190. What a wonderful giveaway. Please include us in your drawing and stop by our spot for your chance to win. ~elisha~

  191. Lots of winners & cool surprises. How could I not enter?! Great giveaway. OWOH #74

  192. I would love to be your winner!

    Stop by OWOH # 653 to enter my drawing.


  193. Please do enter me in your giveaway.
    I'm located in the cold and snowy North of Canada (Ontario).
    All the best,

  194. What an awesome giveaway! I would love to win.
