
Monday, February 8, 2010

Mystery Monday Photo and Winner Revealed!

Remember I said I went into my studio to find some interesting mystery pictures for you? So I hoped this would help you in guessing what it could be, related to art supplies, tools, that kind of thing. But again I seemed to have stumped most of you. I promise to make the next one easier, which will not be next week since that is February 15th and the day that I will be having my drawing for the One World, One Heart Giveaway. (Today is the last day to sign up so check it out!) I'm giving away 9 prizes that day and don't want too much confusion. I just signed up on Friday and already have over 100 entries. There are over 1000 participants so still have a week to stop by and sign up. So we will get back to our regular Mystery Monday on February 22 and I promise I will make it easier! :)

So who is our winner this week? Did you take a look and guess but not email me? If you got it right you may be kicking yourself now. Here is the photo. Sometimes the old is better than the new. For sometime I had been using a hand held plastic version that comes in a kids pencil case , then I got an electric version. The plastic never worked right, even one I got from the notions department at the sewing store and the electric eventually died on me, so back to basics, 'Standard' basics that is. For those of you who are teachers, I imagine this should have been easy for you. ;)

As an artist many of you probably use one of these for things such as altered art, scrap booking, mixed media pieces and even my favorite, polymer clay.

Know what it is yet?

Here's a wider angle photo , mounted on my new shelving unit on my work table. It is the best sharpener you can have as far as I know. You can sharpen all sizes of pencils, and it doesn't break off the point like others do. It has an inside mechanism that is sharpened steel and works like it should on the wood, shaving it just right. It sharpens my oil color pencils to a great point to get into the stamped crevices of the baked clay. Yes, I color my clay sometimes after baking with colored pencils. You can see that in this ACEO I made last year.

I was actually going to give you this picture below, because if you have one or ever emptied one, you would recognize this, but I thought I would play on the abstract of the design of the holes and let your imagination take you there.

I loved all your answers, some made me burst out laughing! I had lots of Bobbins, and phone dials and even a hubcap! :) but my favorite was 'Brass Knuckles'. I have to say that wasn't my most dangerous sounding guess, my husband, who has used this numerous times to sharpen his pencils for wood working, thought it was a Revolver! Oy! If I need Brass knuckles and a revolver in my studio I can honestly say I wouldn't be producing that much art! Or I am such a bad artist that I have to threaten people to like and buy my art? I don't think I'm that bad. :) lol

So after this entertaining Mystery I had only one correct answer and that was from Mary Lamoray! Hooray! I am glad I didn't stump everyone. I think I have as much fun reading your guesses as I hope you do making them!

Please all come back on Feb 22 for a new Mystery! I love sharing this time with you and I finally figured out where I got this idea from. A long time ago I was a subscriber to GAMES magazine. I'm not even sure if it's still published, in fact I don't recall seeing it on the Magazine stands at Barnes and Nobles or Borders, so maybe not. But I love puzzles and non contact games, more games of strategy. They used to have a feature each issue that had a page of I think a dozen pictures, close-up and strange angles of ordinary objects and you had to guess what they were. I love the study of details, proportion, light and more and guessing was only half the fun. I think a great exercise for any artist, don't you? So I am glad you all are having fun with this and keep coming back and starting off your week with something fun to look forward to!

Congratulations again Mary, I have your address and will send you a grab bag that is useful to your art and not too big because I know of your storage issues! :)



  1. Well, I guess it's a good thing that I have amused you with my guess! ;)

    Happy creating,

  2. Gah! That was something I thought of...but I am glad that my other guess made you chuckle. I will check out your OWOH giveaway. It sounds like such fun, but I just don't have the time to blog hop that much and would have loved to give something away... hey! I am giving something away! Maybe I should have entered my blog! Enjoy the day, Kate! I love puzzles too. Erin

  3. I am so happy you joined in, I hope I didn't insult anyone with my post, I love all the answers and I wrote this up right before going to bed, having sleeping troubles again so was up until noon after awaking at 9pm the night before.

  4. Yipee!!!! Thanks so much Kate!! I love those old sharpeners... used to have them in grade school :)))

  5. How fun! Kate, it's a teriffic idea. Really shakes your preset idea of the world around you, makes you look harder at things
