
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Team T Tuesday - WhiskerKisses

Happy Groundhog Day!

Well I was sure last night before I went to bed that we would have an early spring, according to Phil. I live about 250 miles from Phil and after hearing last nights forecast of 'cloudy today with a chance of snow' that he couldn't possibly see his shadow. Yet when I awoke today and viewed the weather channel they said he did. Now I wonder if the shadow he saw was from the lights all surrounding him as he did his one winter stint in public up on Gobblers Knob?? Anyway, a disappointment from Phil, I say he's fired! I'm ready for Spring.

We actually have our own Phil hibernating around here somewhere or at least that was what we called the baby groundhog that we had in our back yard this past summer. We watched as he would come out from under our shed and eat and eat and eat, mostly greens but he would also munch on the corn we put out for the birds, squirrels and deer. It seemed he got bigger by the day and I would not want to get in his way, they can be dangerous creatures, especially females and will attack just about anything. I remember watching one chase, at top speed, a cat away from it's burrow at our former house, quite a show!

Animals can be so entertaining, and not just for predicting weather or running around in your back yard, they can also have indoor jobs, some as high class as models! And that brings me to introduce you to Twiggy. No, not Twiggy the British model of the 60's, but this Twiggy! Isn't she beautiful? A natural for sure.

Rebecca adopted Twiggy about two years ago from a shelter. Twiggy has become both inspiration, mascot and quality manager of Whiskerkisses.

Rebecca designs and makes pet collars, boas, bow-ties and bandannas for your pets. This one that Twiggy is modeling is my favorite color - Periwinkle and I know from experience that color goes with anything and with any kind of furry friend! But is also comes in other yummy colors.

Rebecca did not just start a business but a way to give back. For example these adorable bandanna's that slip right over your pets collar with no tying or ends hanging down to bother your pet. The total proceeds from the sale of them go directly to AWS (Animal Welfare Society of Southeastern Michigan) a"NO KILL" shelter. The bandanna comes in either black or white and reads "GOT TREATS?"

A wonderful way to dress up your pet or a friends best friend and help others in need of shelter, food, bedding and Vet care. Rebecca attributed this generous act to Twiggy who decided that this is what she wanted for her birthday last July but I know that Rebecca has a big heart and loved granting Twiggy's birthday wish this way.

She not only donates to help animals with this item but she is also a member of 'Etsy for Animals' (EFA): Artists Helping Animals and 10% of all item sales from Whiskerkisses goes to helping animals in need!

Most items can be personalized and she also has a PET BIRTHDAY CLUB! To sign up your pet or a pet of a friend or loved one just send the pet's name, birth or adoption date, your name and address to join! Whiskerkisses will send your pet a special gift to wish them well for their special day! You can sign up your pet whether a customer or just a shop browser! Isn't that great?

I love gifts that give more than once and that is what you will find at Whiskerkisses, fashion and beauty but most importantly, love that overflows to keep on giving.

Please visit Rebecca and Twiggy at their blog to keep up on the latest Mews!



  1. SO wonderful, we are lucky to have both in Etsy for Animals! :) Michele

  2. Thank you very much for the wonderful post :) Twiggy says it's purrfect!
