
Monday, February 15, 2010

Times Up! OWOH And the Winners ARE...............................

Wow, what a whirlwind I've been on this past week! I came across the OWOH (One World One Heart) on a friends blog and decided to join in with only 9 days left on Feb 5th. It started on January 25th and ended today. TIME flies so quickly on a Magic Carpet Ride!

I wasn't thinking too straight as I had forgotten that in the middle of all this on February 10th the Bead Soup Swap I was involved in for the past month would be celebrating our Reveal Party! Which meant visiting all the 83 participants and viewing their creations. I got to visit them all and even with only a week left I got a chance to visit half of the 1100+ participants in OWOH.

I wish I could have spent more time at each one but there was only so much time in the day, but I will finish my list and visit each and everyone on there. Many I made a note to myself to stop back and visit more in-depth.

Since I started with a handicap I wasn't prepared with a giveaway. And if you know me, I like to give away! So I declared it a surprise, and then later in the week decided to have one 'prize' for each day I was participating, Nine in all. Yes, a lot I know, but that is me, I love to 'Give more than I get' . I posted a few things to let you know that my giftings would be diversified.

But now after it is over I feel like I've missed out, not being able to spend as much time as I'd like at each of your blogs, and to not even have been able to get to all of them. So.

This is what I've decided to do. I have drawn Nine names from the 240 entrants and am happy to say that they truly are a great representation of the One World, One Heart as of the nine, six countries are represented! So I will be shipping overseas to many of them. But instead of just giving you a specified gift I want to make it more special. I have already done some preliminary 'sleuthing' checking out profiles, blogs, shops and I want to gift each and everyone with something that I glean from what you have shared with the world about yourself. So, it may take a bit of time to get this all done and shipped to you, but I hope you will find it worth the wait. This way I can really get to share and get to know you better, which is what this event was all about, right?

So I hope you will bare with me as I seek out that special gift just for you! I will be contacting each winner tomorrow and ask for your address and also a few questions so I will be better prepared to make your gift for you.

Now for the winners, in no particular order:


119................................................ Ginny...............................Michigan USA

64...............................Jennifer Pearson Vanier.................Ontario Canada

178............................................Shariyah................................New Zealand

234.........................................Heather's Eden.........................Florida USA

8....................................................danit...................................New Zealand

59.................................................Willa.............................. N. Carolina USA




And there you have it!

I want to thank each and every one of you who stopped by my blog, looked around, commented, visited my shops, became a follower, it means so much to me! Please come back again, we have a giveaway just about every week and I'm sure you will find something of interest!

Thanks again for a wonderful Trip around the World!



  1. Congratulations to all of your very lucky winners. YAY!!!

  2. Hi Kate
    I a month we are leaving our home and moving back to Israel.
    If you haven't send the OWOH giveaway yet, it will be good if you don't send it to New Zealand.
    I can give you my parents address, or I can contact you after the move with my new address.
