
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's New Wednesday - Destress the Philip Stein Way

I've been trying out some cool new things lately that I'd like to share with you. Many of my readers I know are also Indie Artists. As such we do so many things and never have enough time in the day it seems. Family, housework, blogging, making our art, photographing it, advertising, filling orders, working new designs and some even have an outside job as well. All that can lead to the big 'S' STRESSED OUT! We don't get enough sleep, drink too much caffeine which actually puts more stress on us and don't have time to take that lavender Epsom salt bath we need so much.

I've been in the same boat and in particular as an INFJ stress is an on going thing something we can't get away from, even if externally our inner personality puts its own pressures on us. I have been trying different things, soft music, water fountains, lavender candles, quiet times, but still it can sneak up on you.

So when I heard about this new watch by Philip Stein I was intrigued and wanted to know more. In January they introduced a New Collection of Fruit Inspired Watches. And I tell you they made one for each 'taste' out there.

Now I have to tell you I am not a watch wearer. Only if I am going somewhere that I have to keep track of time will I even put one on, and the one I have is an Anne Klein watch I got over 8 years ago or is it 10? As you can see, I don't buy watches much either. Years ago I wanted for the longest time a watch ring, remember those? But I never got one and the fad passed and my 'enamorment' with them did too I suppose. So for me to carry on about a watch is a BIG thing!

I got one of these luscious fruit watches for many reasons, First I really loved the style, even though I am not a big watch wearer, this one doesn't seem big at all. Being a natural gal and into organics I love the fruit styling, the 'hours' are in the shape of seeds! And the second hand is a very stylish thin curve in a contrasting color so you can easily see it. The dial has a luminescence but isnt' gaudy. One thing I was worried about when I got it was the strap. I thought it was a plastic and it would bother me, making my skin shrivel and sweat underneath but it isn't and didn't. The strap is made from silicon and is very comfortable to wear. The topside is smooth but a matte color so doesn't look like plastic. And the underside has a textured pattern that I think helps to keep it comfortable on your wrist.

Now I do know what I'm talking about because I have been wearing it non-stop for the past three and a half weeks, and I do mean non-stop. Only taking it off for showers, even though it is water resistant and wearing it even to sleep at night. I wanted to try the full effect of the watch.

Now what do I mean by that? I certainly don't worry about being a fashion plate in bed so why would I wear it to bed? Well you remember I was talking about stress? Well this isn't just a pretty watch, it has a secret inside. When I was introduced to these Fruitz watches I hadn't heard of Philip Stein watches before, but it seems that he has been producing them for a bit with this secret inside, called Natural frequency technology which was created to harmonize your biofield and energy. Read about that technology here and see a short video on how it works.
Now something like this comes along everyday, promises of magical help in one way or another and I usually don't pay much attention, but this intrigued me, so I did some research and investigation into these frequencies. But the proof is in the pudding or in the wearing in this case. Yes that is mine, the only time I've put it in it's case! :)

That is why I've been wearing mine for almost a month , non-stop. This isn't hard to do as they come in either Stainless Steel or Gold plated so not too many would have any allergic reactions. As some of you may know I have been having an on going problem with stress and sleeplessness. After wearing this watch for only a short while I found that my stress was dissipating and my sleep was getting not only more regular but instead of getting up numerous times during the night and then sometimes not being able to fall back asleep for hours, I may get up but am able to return to sleep in a matter of minutes. I didn't want this to be wishful thinking so that is why I've been wearing this watch and trying it for a full cycle if you KWIM. And I can honestly report a definite overall well being, better sleep and less stress and it has been tested under great duress. Stein even commissioned a clinical study, a first of it's kind in the US putting these timepieces to test. You can read about the study here.

Pictured above are 'clockwise' :) from 11:00 Orange, Plum, Water Melon, Grapefruit and Raspberry.

So, as you can tell I am pretty impressed and I don't impress that easily, but I highly recommend this watch not only as a very cool fashion accessory, (and I have mine in my favorite color, Lime), but also a relaxing one! And there are 24 color combos or fruits to choose from, from the most demure White Peach and Golden Pear, to the most Fun and Tropical, Rasberry, Dragon Fruit, and Fig, all luscious and hard to choose from but remember they do more than tell time, they make the time you are living in less stressful and more fun. And did I mention that they come in a really cool color coordinated pod? Keeps your watch safe, if you can bear to not be wearing it constantly.

For more info please check out Philip Stein. You can find your favorite Fruitz at Nordstrom and Bloomingdales. These beautiful and health benefiting watches are most affordable than many of his other collections and I believe worth every penny!


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