
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What's New Wednesday - It's Carnival Time!

What's new today? Remember back a few weeks ago on 'What's new Wednesday' I wrote a post called 'Beginnings'? Well that was specifically for Art Bead Scenes Blog Carnival which debuts today!

Cindy Gimbrone an Art Bead Scene Editor and Bead maker Extraordinaire put out a call awhile back and I answered it. As many of you know I love writing almost as much as I love creating my other art!

Just as I was writing this blog post I was multi-tasking and thinking about some other things I had to do and I remembered I needed to email someone with some info from one of my shops. When I went over to etsy I found this cool treasury on the Front Page with a photo of Coney Island (above picture) Titled "Coney Island Carnivale" right in the middle of the Front Page! Now is that kismit or what? And today starts the ABS Blog Carnival where a group of Jewelry bloggers all write about their views on a single theme. The first is , of course, Beginnings.

Now not only is the Blog Carnival starting today, but The Art inspiration for Art Bead Scene Challenge this month is a painting by Vestie Davis of what else? Luna Park at Coney Island!

I have been tossing ideas around in my head, and this painting is so fun, especially this cold time of year where I am, and this is what I've come up with.

Last night I realized it was Carnival blogging Day today and I still hadn't had time to make something for the ABS February challenge which centered on the Luna Park painting. So I found a large picture of it on the internet and got out my sketch book and started to pull out designs I saw in the painting. I started with the shapes that were prominent to me, and then the words, and then I looked closer at the details. I saw a band playing, a ticket booth, flags that reminded me of banners or pendants, and hearts sprinkled about. I next pulled out the colors I saw and it basically is a primary color palette with grays and pale pink and turquoise. So with these basics I drew out a quick sketch. I wanted to include the fun peppermint candy like rounds that are so prominent in the painting so I made that my focal. I also wanted to include the moon shapes used so I added one to the bottom of the focal. Then I looked at the shapes and words and little things I spied and wanted to evoke the sense of the experience one has when visiting a park like this, the feeling I think Davis was trying to present in this painting.

So I took the shape of the roofs which reminded me of pendants and flags and made seven of them and stamped words that would speak of the experience. Rides, Games, Win, Play, Fun, NYC, Music (don't forget that little band on the colonnade) and added three hearts which are included in the painting.

Now the only way to enjoy all this fun is to go to that little hole in the wall in the center right of the painting that says: 'TICKETS' and buy one so you can enjoy all the fun. So I made a Ticket and stamped 'Admit One' on it and now I have a fun filled necklace that would be great to wear to Coney Island (if one could) and to really recall to mind the fun of summer as a child but also to amuse that inner child in every adult.

Thanks for stopping by and looking! I'd appreciate any comments you would like to leave!

So please be sure to check out My post for the Art Bead Scene Carnival, (I changed it from the original posting so even if you read it then, please go back and read something new). And that cool photo at the top of this post is available for only $15 in the Fine Art Photography etsy shop Dupuis of Mina, a Romanian born Photographer now living in Brooklyn NYC. I told her about this upcoming post and she so generously told me I could offer you, my readers a 15% discount off your entire order! Isn't that great! All you have to do is to take advantage of this fab offer is to use the code "Carnival" in the comments to seller. UPDATE:That specific print is now sold but she has more in many sizes so just take a look around her shop! Thanks!



  1. This is amazing! Love how you portrayed all of the details...and the photo of your design sketch. Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes process.

  2. Thank you Cindy, so nice of you to stop by and I so appreciate your inspiring words!


  3. your necklace is terrific! i love the details and how you shared your process... thanks so much!!

  4. What a beautifully done, whimsical, and FUN piece. The admission ticket is such a perfect addition! It was very enjoyable to read about your process. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Congratulations on being featured on Cynthia Tinapple's Polymer Clay Daily today:


  6. I just want you to know how much I loved your necklace. Very whimsical and fun - just fantastic! Keep up the good work.

  7. Hi Kate, so glad to find you from Polymer Clay Daily. I love your necklace. You have truely captured the carnival spirit. Nicely done!

  8. Thank you all, I am frankly overwhelmed, first Monday I was chosen as designer of the week and now this! Thanks for you kind and encouraging words! :)
