
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mystery Monday winner

I'm so sorry I didn't get this done. My sleep got out of whack again, and all because I didn't wear my Philip Stein Watch for one day! I'm not doing that again! I was also working on a project I think many of you will be interested in and I will be (hopefully) introducing it in the coming weeks. I am also working on my OWOH projects and will share with you next week what I've accomplished so far.

The entries were down this week so I am wondering if you all are getting bored with this game? If so , drop me a line and let me know, and maybe I'll just cut back to once a month. In fact I am going to do this for this month. With all the projects I have going and Passover in a few weeks I'm going to be so busy so won't be writing as much but please don't go away!

I am also going to try and make a submission to Erin Prais-Hintz's Inspiration challenge this month: Inspired by Dr. Seuss, since I missed last months. I even went to Borders over the weekend and searched through Dr. Seuss books. I have whittled it down to two, one, my all time favorite and the other one published the year I was born that has an interesting back story to it so we both will see what I will do when I do it! :)

Now to the Mystery Monday Photo from last week. As you know I like close-ups or crops of items that make them not only interesting but can look like something else. We saw that last week with the Ostrich. How many of you were surprise it was an Ostrich? I tell you it made me look closer.

So that pic above is what I gave you to guess from. You probably thought I cropped it, but I did not. That is a life-size photo of a macro shot of a section of dried Croton leaf. I had dried these two years ago before the frost hit and had some ideas on how I wanted to use them (haven't gotten there yet) and I had them stuck in a vase with some twigs and other plant matter I use in my art. The afternoon I went into my studio to take some mystery photos in there I spotted these in the vase with the sun streaming through the window behind them. I thought they looked even more beautiful and couldn't resist snapping a few pics. Here are a couple more, showing various veining structure.

When I viewed this on my computer they reminded me of aerial photos of farm land OR what some cell structures would look like under a microscope.

But I didn't fool any of you, you all guessed correctly! Yippe! I am so happy and not laughing ;) And so I drew a winner from all entries and the winner is......................................

Christina! or Stina from Sweden! Stina, I will email you and get your address to send your special mystery something! :)

Thank you all for playing and hopefully you'll all come back for Aprils Mystery Photo! And I promise it won't be an April Fool joke!


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