
Friday, March 26, 2010

Rain Rain go away

What has that to do with Feeding your creativity Friday? Well we are approaching that time of year that brings those April Showers that in turn bring May flowers and I just got a look at some very inspiring rain gear I thought I would share with you.

Most artists are sensitive people and are affected more than others by weather changes. Gray days seem to stifle our creativity. I know I find myself wanting to be in the studio on a bright or sunny day rather than a rainy day. So rainy days can be saved for house cleaning or shopping or doing chores that aren't so fun and save the good days for being creative. But no sense in getting too depressed doing those things. Check out those great rain boots from

All I have are a pair of pink snow boots (and I am defiantly not a pink person but in the snow they look fun, happy and feminine even though they are very huge, like for the arctic or something, the pink is the only thing that makes them look like they belong to a woman! ) . I can get away wearing these in late winter and very early spring if it's cold enough but really don't have any rain boots. So these are worth taking a look at, funny thing, I've got my eye on those pink ones there, even though the black and white hounds-tooth is appealing, I am thinking when I wear these it will be a colorless day so the more color the better! :)

What about a rain coat, need a new one? Here's a few to choose from and there's more, just click on the picture.

I love these set, keep your head dry and looking great with these rain hats and the rest of you with the matching umbrellas. As you know I love green but they all look good to me, having a hard time deciding!
If you really don't want to be noticed running out in the rain they have Camo styles too!

And to top if off if great savings on designer wear and accessories isn't enough, they also offer only $2.95 shipping on everything no matter how big your order is! That alone is worth taking a look.

So don't be blue over the earth being watered to bring us those lovely May, June and July flowers, enjoy it and be ready to create when the sun comes out!


  1. For me it's "rain, rain, don't come my way!" I actually like a drizzly day now and then, but too much and I tend to get depressed. I bought a new raincoat not long ago in a bright, cherry red, and it really does lift my spirits just a bit when I have to be out in the wet stuff.
    We moody artists need all the help we can get.

  2. I sometimes like to dress up on gray days. It helps me to move through the world looking pretty when I don't see a lot of other prettiness. BTW, check Etsy convo. We're going to get this together!
