
Monday, April 12, 2010

Mystery Monday - April 12 - Week 2

Come on guys..............don't ya wanna play anymore? :) I know most of you, if you are like me, are spending more time outside and less on the laptop, but I promised to get this going again so I shall.

Here's a recap of last weeks announcement:

Each Monday a new photo will be posted. Follow the same as before, comment here on the blog that you are participating, and then email me your guess. Every Monday a new photo will be posted but we will only have one winner per month. All the responses will be put in the drawing, and yes I am still going to put in everyone's name, right or wrong, it's That you played that counts! :)

At the end of the month I will draw 1 (one) name from all those who emailed me a guess for all the months photos, (yes you can do one week, two weeks, etc or all!) and the winner will get a special Mystery Monday gift just for them. This way I don't get overwhelmed and no one will get shortchanged. I am doing this because I know it's great to get something just for you because you are special, and my readers are special to me. I found out that this is a world wide feeling when participating in the OWOH event as I choose to make something special for each of my winners. In fact they each got two gifts! So I want to continue this on through out the year which will carry us through to the next OWOH event.

I know many of you have found my blog and become followers through that event but maybe didn't win the giveaway so this is like another chance, or many more! :)

So I hope you all will continue to participate, and don't worry, if you won before, that's ok, please keep playing. If I draw a name of a previous winner I will give you a 'consolation prize' and draw a new winner so you still have a chance too!

So far we only have one guess for last weeks photo, you can still go back and look at it and put in a guess for that to. Here's that photo.

and now for this weeks................................



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