
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What's new Wednesday?

I wish I had some more OWOH finished pieces to show you but alas, I have been spending too much time enjoying the beautiful Spring weather. I have made some progress though.

I also joined a related swap called 'Share the Love' from Linda and Heidi at Natural Suburbia.

Today I received my gift from my Swap partner (I need to get hers out to her too!) and it is this lovely felted heart ring. I have seen many felted items especially since becoming a member of Etsy almost two years ago but this is my first felted piece! It is very lightweight and soft. And Roseann of Cute Little Thing at etsy makes some of the cutest felted items I've seen. Like these teeny birds nests......................shown resting on her fingers. She makes larger ones too!

And these adorable Bunnies in the Cabbage patch, love their little Cottontails, or woolly tails!

I love my new heart ring and more than that the love that went into it by this sharing and caring person. Roseann, your gift will be out to you shortly! I promise!. :)

I also wanted to share a little on the OWOH event which is still sharing love around the world. I showed you last week the things I had sent off to 2 of my winners. The Swinging on a Breeze necklace went to Jennifer Vanier of Adventures in Mixed Media. She was so thrilled that she sent to me, (hat she called a 'little' box), of some beads and findings she had collected over the years. She is not a jewelry maker and gathered these things together to gift me with. I expected a small box with a few dozen assorted beads and such but what arrived at my doorstep overwhelmed me to say the least! It took me hours to sort all through it, admiring each bead, finding and treasure. Here is a picture of the beads once I got them all sorted out. Click to enlarge so you can see all the wonderful beady goodness!

There are Glass beads, metal beads, coral, stone, semi-precious, shells, ceramic, hand made glass beads and more! And these are just the beads! There was also beading wire, focal beads and bags of findings. Is that a wonderful gift of sharing love? This is what I love about these swaps, the good will keeps going and with these beads I shall continue that, either with swaps, or gifts, such as I have in mind for the postal ladies that go ga-ga over my handmade envelopes and packages everytime my husband takes them to the PO. I know they take special care with my packages so they reach my customers, friends and new friends from swap meets, in good condition, so I will start with them first..................but before that even, a BIG THANK YOU to the generous lady, Jennifer! I am blessed to have meet you through the OWOH event!



  1. Kate, you are too kind. I'm glad you are pleased with your goodies. Happy creating.

  2. What sweet felted items, yes I love the swaps I have recently been involved in. They help keep my creative juices flowing and is a great fun way to connect with like minded people.
