
Monday, May 3, 2010

Aprils Mystery Monday Photo Giveaway - Winner Announced!

First I'd like to thank those who participated in this past months Mystery Monday: Month of Mystery photos. I know you all must be enjoying the wonderful Spring weather and don't have as much time to be online or read blogs so I am grateful for those who stopped by my blog and played along! THANK YOU~!

The First Mystery Photo was this one on the left. I wasn't sure if anyone would recognize it but we did have one guess of what it is! A Kookaburra's bill! A native Bird of Australia. I took this picture at my local zoo this past winter while there was snow on the ground, that is the white you see reflected in the glass enclosure, along with a bit of my lime green jacket, my fav color!.

Here is the picture from Week Two.

It is a closeup of a polished turbans head shell.

Week three we saw these cute little guys from my local zoo. They were posed so perfectly inside the cutout of their enclosure, just begging to be cartooned!

They say they know what this mystery picture is from Week 3. And they should.

It was part of their play 'yard' in their display. Some of the area was landscaped with these white marble chips which were under a beautiful flowering tree whose pink petals were dropping and some had turned brown. I think it may have been a Pink Magnolia or Tulip tree and we did have guesses on that! I loved the texture and mystery of this 'bed of roses that the penguins seemed to enjoy. Aren't they adorable?

And last weeks photo was one I took last fall. It is from my local park. As some of you know I love trees and am always fascinated with them in all seasons. This one I spotted just after the sun had gone down but I could still see a bit up inside it. It appeared to be growing upside down, but this is actually the canopy of the tree from the underside. The darkening sky can be seen in the background. From the looks of it I think it is some kind of ornamental Cedar, but sadly none are labeled at the park so that is just a guess.

So now for the winning entry!
We had 12 entries, so not too bad for a beautiful Spring month! I love reading the guesses, it is such fun, more than me finding something to stump you with! I think my favorite this month came from Erin Prais-Hintz of Treasures Found for this last mystery photo for the month of April. She said it was either the underside of a bush, (pretty dead on) OR, and this is my favorite, the intestines of an Extraterrestrial! :) Love it! Although If there was such a thing, I wouldn't get close enough to bring you a close-up like that! :D

So after Adding up all the guesses and making a random drawing, the winner is........................

Lisa Petrillo! congratulations Lisa. If you will email me your mailing address I will make something just for you and get it out to you. Lisa is a lot braver than I, check out her blog and that picture of her at a dig. I could never wedge myself into such close quarters! Kudos To you Lisa! And check out her beautiful and neat studio! Looks great Lisa! Wish I could say the same of mine. :)

Tomorrow I will be posting the first picture for the Month of May contest.


  1. Yes! I was right about the Kookaburra :D. The alien intestines made me LOL.

    Congratulations Lisa :).

  2. Yes you were! I never would have guessed it myself. :)

  3. I like to make you smile, Kate ;-P

    Enjoy the day!
