
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What's New? Bead Soup Ingredients!

I got my package in the mail..................

Been waiting.....................


Wondering what

Would it contain?.????????

Then it came......................

Almost opened it without a pic

but stopped and took one real quick..........................

then I couldn't wait.......................

no more need to anticipate.....................

So I opened it up to see what I would find................

And saw that Melissa had been so kind........................

The soup ingredients she did include..................................

I'm hoping my creativity won't elude................................

And now with this hokey poem I will conclude....................................

This story of my bead soup that's not about food..................

But food for the soul I have now ended my wait....................

So Off to the Studio, I can't wait to create!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My wonderful Bead Soup Ingredients
Melissa Meman made that fabulous copper clasp and the enamel bead! See close-up at top of post. Join me and all the others at the great reveal, starting June 19th~



  1. Isn't it so exciting?! Love it. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. Great soup. I got mine too and I'm so excited to see everyones finished pieces. regards Stefanie

  3. What a gorgeous soup mix! The clasp is lovely. Looking forward to seeing the results!
