
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What's New Wednesday

Remember me telling you about the Richard Shilling Land Art challenge that Emanda J had on her blog last month? You can read about it here and see my entry.

Artemesia's Richard Shilling Challenge

Well this is the special gift that Emanda made and I got just a few days ago~! It is a perfect size to take with me Sketchbook. On it she made a cool sticker with Richards May Day Totem which I used to make a bracelet echoing his organic leaf and twig totem. And even on the spine she has placed a smaller version of the totem and 'Kate's Notebook'. I absolutely love it and will take it with me everywhere. As I told her I have many large sized ones (and they are heavy too) and a very small one that you really can't do much in, but this is the perfect size! Thank you again Emanda!

Richard was
thrilled with seeing my entry and even blogged about it here Richard Shilling Land Art Blog How Cool! Land Art Jewelry!

Then I received another package in the mail,
Didn't remember ordering anything but when I saw the name on the return label I remembered. A few months ago I won a giveaway on Lisa Orams blog. Lisa and I had talked back and forth and we decided she would make me a few crocheted bead pieces. Well this is what I got in the mail, four lovely and long strands that I am having fun deciding what to do with. I have lots of ideas floating around, and am sure to get to it as soon as I get my Bead Soup Swap piece done. Thanks so much Lisa for your generous gift. I will be sure to post it here when I make my final decision!

And more about another giveaway. Next Wednesday I will be premiering my Bead Soup Swap design. This is a long week of partying many blogs to visit, so to entice more of you to come see my ' Main Dish' I am having a little giveaway.

A half a cup of Beads and a recipe for making beads and a Bead Mystery novel! How's that for an incentive? All you have to do is visit my blog and view my 'dish' from the Bead Soup Swap and make a comment, any comment will do and your name will go into a drawing for all the prizes.

So make sure to come back next Wednesday to see what's new. I have been having fun playing with Melissa Memans soup ingredients she sent me (and congratulations again Melissa for winning the Designer of the week at ABS! ) and adding what I got at the bead show and some things I had on hand. I've played around with a few designs and now I think I've got a 'bead' on where it's going. Stay tuned, I may be able to post a sneak peek by the weekend!



  1. Wow - what a fun week you have had! Congrats - and THANK YOU for linking up to Richard Shilling's blog - freakin' love it!!!

  2. I'm so glad you like the little sketch book! Richard is an amazing artist and his works are so inspirating -- reminds me of your clay art!

