
Monday, July 26, 2010

Winner of 'Commitment' Giveaway Announced

Thank you for those who came to my blog and read my newest ABS (ART BEAD SCENE) post on Commitments and left a comment. As announced in the post I was having a drawing for these earrings for anyone that left a comment to this post.

I was supposed to make the drawing yesterday but we had a small break in this horrible hot weather we've been having and after a pretty bad storm passed through we took a drive to a new Lake I've discovered and spent the evening until sundown there having our picnic dinner under a young apple tree right on the shore. I'll share more pictures tomorrow.

Now for the winner......................................

Patty Lankinsmith! congratulations Patty, send me your snail mail and I'll get these right out to you! Patty makes Gorgeous lamp-worked beads, a must see at her shop on etsy.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kate! Looks like you haven't been around here for a bit, but I wanted to let you know that I posted a little "Thank You" for your last OWOH gift on my latest OWOH post:

    Thanks so much! It was awesome to see how much time you obviously spent getting to know me, and such a very thoughtful gift! Take care of yourself!
