
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Grand Opening and Re-opening!

Some of you may have noticed that my shops have been closed this past month. I have many reasons for this and won't go into it right now but I am happy to announce that all three of my shops are reopened! All this week there will be new listings added and specials like free shipping so please take a visit.

Also my Bigger news is that I have opened a new shop on Etsy! This is strictly for Jewelry supplies, mainly for selling my hand made beads. Just Click here to visit! StudioARTBEAD

Grand Opening starts today with specials and new items being added throughout the day as well as the rest of this week! Don't forget to heart my shop so you can check back often!

Please stop by and check it out and let me know what you think. My banner is a temporary one till I get a bit more time to refine it but I am pretty happy with how my photos turned out on my windowsill on a very overcast day! and that is saying a lot , especially coming from a perfectionist INFJ!

Which speaking of, have you taken the test? Care to share? I'm still looking to met other INFJ's as well as similar MB types so please let me know!



  1. everything looks wonderful! my head spins with admiration as i hop from one shop to the next... love your buttons, and... and.... :0) best luck! and glad you were able to reopen...

  2. Kate! All your stores are wonderful!! I didn't realize you had others... Your work is soooo beautiful And this new shop should do really well. I like the banner you have too :)

  3. I do photos on a windowsill most of the time too! I just really prefer natural lighting (but that is for everything - I would much rather sit by a window to read than turn a light on). I am considering purchasing on of those $30 light boxes though after two days of all my photos turning out too blue and me yelling "argh" and my family saying "buy a light box already!"
    I really like your faux coral beads! They are beautiful and a very believable substitute!

  4. Hi Kate, Great new store-I love your beads, especially those yummy green discs and the faded denim buttons. Do you have the INFJ discussion site up and running yet?

  5. Marie, Thank you, what a lovely compliment!

    Mary, Yes, I have had the other three since last year. I used to have a section in the OO shop for buttons and beads but thought this would be better and less complicated for shoppers.

    Genevieve - Yes, if I can get just the right kind of day and remember at the right time it works great. But I do have a Studio for dummies backup that I use that isn't too bad as well as my own homemade one using Ott lights and two large water jugs (empty, the kind that have the spigot on them to put in the fridge). Thanks for your compliment on my coral!

    Sharon, thanks for visiting! Yes, those little green discs look so cool when they are strung, I loved the look so much when I photographed them that I used a small length for my avatar for the shop! Yes the forum is open, just go and sign up and you will see all the great categories and places to chat we have!

  6. Hi Kate,

    Lovely new stuff! I photograph on a table set up next to our glass door to the backyard. When I photograph, I put a small piece of white paper outside the "frame" of the shot but within the frame of the whole photo. Before I edit it out by cropping, I use the white as a "control". In MSPhotomanager, I 'Enhance Color' using that scrap at the bull's eye target. It seems to work pretty well for me.

    Oh, Kate, thanks for visiting and commenting on my mom's brand new blog. She is very excited about it. (


  7. Kate, love your stores. Wow, you have put such time and creativity and ingenuity in them, and it really shows. So very classy! Wow! Your items and your photos are amazing.

  8. Your welcome Emanda! Thanks for the tips, I don't have that editor but use windows photo gallery and it has enough editing tools to brighten and crop. It is quite a balancing act though because my shelf under the window is so small so I am looking for other places to shoot as the sun moves around the house. It's easier in winter than summer as we have so many trees and all porches have overhangs.

    Jill, thanks for taking time to check out my shops! I appreciate your words of encouragement!:)
