
Friday, November 6, 2009

New Design, New beads in shop

I've been busy posting new beads to my shop all week but took a bit of time out to make this for this Humblebeads challenge. This is Day 1's assignment, a Horizontal focal bead made up of a chunky beads strung on a wire. I had a new idea for some beads and decided this would be a good new use of them, it is based on the ancient Chinese 'calculator' the abacus combined with a rotary lock mechanism but with only one letter per wheel. The letters go all the way around the beads thus making the edge the focal part of the bead.

I chose the word 'Beautiful' because that is what I think turquoise and copper are together, as would any woman be that would wear this. :)

I paired the turquoise antiqued beads with bronze glass beads and a vintage copper chain. I love the look together, wasn't sure about this but would like to explore this idea further, Thanks Heather for the challenge!

I also have a similarly colored herb bead that I
will be listing in my StudioARTBEAD shop shortly. The word 'Parsley' is written twice on the edge between the holes for stringing.

I have gotten over 80 beads and buttons listed this week! Phew! Please go and check them out, I have more to come over the weekend.



  1. oh, i really like these! and great job with the challenge piece... i agree about copper and turquoise...

  2. You really have outdone yourself with such a variety of stunning beads! I love the parsley bead!

  3. Thank you Marie I think it's my present favorite gemstone/metal combo.

    Sharon thanks for such a lovely compliment, coming from such a well published PC and jewelry artist, I'm honored! :)

  4. I love your refurbished shops! I really like the new bead shop too! I look forward to seeing your creations . You have some WONDERFUL art beads listed! The "Leaf Lariat Bead Tassle holder " is soooooooooo neat !!!!
    :) m.e.
