
Monday, January 11, 2010

Mystery Monday Winner Revealed! And New Contest

Our first winner of the mystery photo contest is Arlene Harrison! Congratulations Arlene, please select which of the four prizes offered ( see below) and email me with your choice as well as your snail mail address and I'll get it right out to you next mailing!

Thanks to all that participated. Now what was that thing? First let me tell you about how I came to take that picture. Sitting by my bay window which is full of many plants (I love the natural air cleaning they do!) and working on the computer I looked up and saw this just hanging there. I thought it was too interesting not to photograph so grabbed my camera and took a few shots. When I uploaded them (I almost said developed them!) I noticed that it looked a bit like the head of a praying mantis. After going through many photos for this contest I thought this would be a good one to start with, especially in the cold of winter.

Arlene's guess - It appears to be to be the seed pod left when a lily blooms. I can't identify the specific type of lily but hope this is specific enough. Cool idea!

Arlene has a great eye, that's exactly what it is! It is a seed pod from one of my spider plants. The spider plant is part of the lily family and doesn't only make 'babies' but also produces flowers that turn into seed pods. The babies are borne on what is called a runner and is similar to that of a strawberry plant. This type of method of reproduction is called asexual. Both my large spider plants had many babies hanging down so I decided to trim them up a bit. If you've ever had a spider plant bought from a nursery or garden center you probably didn't realize that it is not one plant but usually a grouping of many babies that have continued to grow together. This is what I've done to now create another large hanging pot, planted about 6-7 babies all together in one pot. I also have a smaller pot with three and another smaller pot with just one. FREE PLANTS!
Then there's this one that couldn't decide which way it wanted to grow and I couldn't plant it in soil yet so have it growing in a little punch glass of water. I used the stone to put some gentle pressure on the center to train it to have the roots grow down and the leave more in an upward manner so I can later plant in soil. You can see the new roots growing since I put it in there about two weeks ago.

Prizes offered in First week Mystery Monday

I hope those participating found this interesting. Those whose names did not get drawn but had a similarly correct answer will be entered in the next weeks drawing too as per the rules here!

Now for this weeks Mystery Photo. Here it is.

1. Study the photograph
2. You have until the following Sunday night at 9pm EST to identify what the picture is and get your entry in.
3. Enter the drawing by emailing me your guess ( make as detailed as possible), see my profile for email. LEAVE A COMMENT THAT YOU ARE PARTICIPATING BUT NOT WITH YOUR GUESS! Please send the guess to my email. :)
4. 1 Winner will be drawn from all the entries. Winner will be announced the following Monday with the new Mystery Monday Photo.

Please read this post for more detailed instructions about how you can get more than one entry.

Prize: Your Choice, Purple Fairy Flower Copper Filigree Ring or Blue Lotus Earrings with Chinese Turquoise.

Note about Animal, Vegetable or Mineral. I'm sorry I had to postpone that post. I will be working on it throughout the week and post it this coming Friday, I'm sure you'll find it an interesting read! There will also be a new feature starting this weekend called Wildlife Weekend update where I will share some of the comic antics that happen outside my window .

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