
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Team T Tuesday ~ The Art of Writing

Computers are great aren't they? You can send a letter, photos, games or music to anyone anywhere around the world in the blink of an eye. You can take courses in just about any subject without ever leaving home. You can chat with someone practically anywhere around the world on an IM (Instant Message) or text message and lots more. This is all amazing and great, but has it turned us into an instant communication society, one where the word has lost it's meaning because it is so easily tossed out there? Has the art of sharing our thoughts become disposable?

I began to wonder about this myself as I have spent so much time online and typing 1000x more than I ever write something. My penmanship has gotten so bad because my hands are more used to pressing keys than holding a pen and putting words to paper. I actually find it awkward and unnatural feeling holding a pen to write. I make out a grocery list even and then when I take it to the store I stand there in the isles wondering what in the world that chicken scratch means?? I get an idea for a jewelry design and can't make out what I wrote down even a short time later (I have since learned to accompany that with a drawing, at least I can still make those legible! ) :)

I used to be told what lovely handwriting I had, now I am embarrassed to write even the smallest note on my invoices thanking my customers or a dropping a card to a friend. I used to journal a lot, way before it became the 'in' thing to do. I also used to write stories in long hand and still have some stashed away somewhere.

But I fear that the art of the handwritten note, letter, or journal page is fast becoming extinct. And yes, I believe now more than ever that it was, make that 'is' an art-form. Communication is a great wonder and shouldn't be lowered to the mere pressing of keys. We can too easily press the 'send' button or the 'delete' button without much forethought. But when you sit down to write to someone be it a letter, or a note, it's purpose requires more planning, such as what to write on? What writing instrument to use. Address labels, a sealer, perhaps it calls more for a card with a pretty picture. And then what to say, how to address it. Sentence structure, careful placement of words around a picture or drawing and more. It takes a little planning, but that is what makes it so meaningful and why people will save it.

So much used to go into correspondence, and now it is sadly declining at a rate faster than we can imagine. I have some Ephemera from over 70 years ago. Cards and notes and letters too precious to throw away. Letters written by our Founding Fathers have sold for millions of dollars, but how many save an email? How much is one worth today coming from a celebrity or even from the White House? Alot less than yesteryear I'm sure.

Well I know of someone that has a similar feeling about the demise of the Art of Letter Writing and she has designed many ways to bring it back, and her name is Amanda Day of Dawn Correspondence.

Some of her designs include Wedding invitations, Personalized writing paper, note cards, other wedding paper goods, party invitations, gift tags, Boxed Stationary and more! (And some Valentines Too!)

Modern, fun, sophisticated, elegant, all these words describe the diversity of writing elements you will find at Dawn Correspondence. She loves to work with her customers and create special orders that fit them to a 'T'.

So when was the last time you sat down and put pen to paper? Written a note to someone you love? Someone you haven't had time to visit or tell the things you've thought about while going about your busy life but want to, well do it with style with some of Amanda's beautiful notes, cards or stationary. To get them to return the gesture, why not include your letter or note in a boxed set and help them to continue propagating the ART with a return note to you and other loved ones as well?

I especially like this elegant boxed writing set, and with one of my favorite things, chairs! There is something for everyone so visit today and take back the ART of Writing at Amanda's shop for some great vehicles of sharing your art of the written word!



  1. Lovely post and a great reminder that the art of letter writing should never be neglected.

  2. Awww, I love DawnCorrespondence's shop! And I LOVE writing letters and receiving them. There is just nothing better than REAL mail!

  3. I began to write to my spouse who works far away.... I find that the writing moves closer to us much more and it is so romantic! Last week i bought some Amanda's card...can't wait to see them!

  4. Great post! So true that we often forget the meaning of a handwritten note.

  5. I very much agree with you. I didn't realize it but my skills at writing on a keyboard quickly have made the demise of my handwriting evident. I am also an amateur calligrapher but I have had less and less opportunity to practice that, no one needs me to make out the fancy letters on the 8th grade diplomas anymore (something I did for a decade) when they have such wonderful fonts to use and can print them up themselves. I too love fonts as well, which must be from my calligraphy background. I do have great handwriting, but find that it taxes my hands quite a bit. Very interesting...I wonder if I can propose a challenge to my bloggy do an offline writing...I would love to get little random bits in the mail. A pretty card. Some ephemera. Just a cheery note now and again. I don't often save all the nice emails. But I do love getting cards.
    Thanks for the inspiration Kate! Enjoy the day! Erin

  6. I posted something earlier! Maybe I forgot to hit post? Hmm....anyways, thank you SO much! These are my thoughts exactly when I create! I am so glad to see more people interested in writing a letter with a pen on a piece of paper. Much better than receiving an email! That Breath of Fresh Air card is very special to me, too, so thanks for showcasing that! I created that when my boyfriend quit smoking! Thanks for this AWESOME feature!! So perfect- I couldn't have said it better myself!
