
Friday, February 19, 2010

Feed You Creativity Friday

So what's on the menu for today? Let's see how about a Main course of Art and Fashion first?

In the New March issue of Harpers Bazaar Paloma Picasso Designer of 30 years for Tiffany's does an exclusive interview with them on her life. Here are some excepts:

  • On her father, Pablo Picasso: “When I see some of his paintings, it brings back the memories of when he was creating them.”
  • On her career, from costume designer, to accessory, home décor and jewelry designer: “I felt I had to prove myself. I don’t have anything to prove anymore. I can relax.”
  • On her fragrance: “Paloma Picasso was a self-portrait, and I still wear it, so I did the right job for me.”
  • Tiffany’s John Loring on meeting Paloma: “When Paloma was a teenager, she was extraordinarily shy and put upon by people staring and pointing at her, because she was Picasso’s daughter. It reduced her to tears.”
Above is a photo of Paloma in her beautiful Moroccan Home. Read more about her and see more of her fabulous home in the March publication of Harper's Bazaar 2010. click to see more on the article and more photos including a portrait of Paloma as a child by her father, Pablo.

And speaking of Fashion, Macy's has released it's Spring Fashion look. Now you may be an artist and not a Fashionista, but to make your jewelry for those who are you need to know what's new, trendy and especially what's the color palette! So in essence you become a Fashionista from an Artists POV. So where am I going with this? Right here! This is the 2010 Spring Fashion Look Book (for those with flash blocker, scroll down to fins the flash 'F') I love that asymmetrical tunic, don't you? There you will find Trends, click on that and then click on RTW and Accessories Spring 2010 trends. There you will see a very cool palette of what's hot this spring. Palettes culled from Master Artists such As Van Gogh and PICASSO! You can also click on the HOT list and download a pdf , see what's hot to wear and also what accessories are in! Sure to help you in fashion and Your Art this Spring! I'm especially intrigued with the infinity neck wear.

And now for some desert.................

Need a break? is it bleak out today and you long for color? How about a quick coffee break and a puzzle? Beautiful photographs turned into jigsaw puzzles you can do in a couple of minutes. JIGZONE lets you choose from all kinds of subjects, from nature, animals, mountains, beaches, rivers, trees, waterfalls and that is just in the Nature section. There are also Sports, Ocean life, Transportation and Travel and 'Things'. That is an intriguing one and one which most artists will appreciate. There are close-ups of ordinary things, and you know how I love those! And colored pencils, bars of soap and even a scrabble board. Got only a minute? then you can choose a puzzle in only 6 pieces, yes 6, quick enough for you? How about a bigger challenge? You can go all the way up to 247 triangular pieces! You choose number and shape from a drop down menu that sits right in the middle over the puzzle choices, called "Choose your cut". So they can be tailor made for your time allotment. Why not give it a try right now? I've chosen a simple but pretty one for you to see how you like this. Just click on it and it will take you to the puzzle. Just don't get lost there and forget to come back here (click your back button it won't open in a separate window).

It even shows you how long it takes you to solve, the average solving time and the fastest it was ever solved. When you get there it will give you the default of 48 pieces, on the left side you can see where you can change the cut and piece amount. Click 'Change Cut' and choose how many pieces (and what shape too, like birds) you want to try at first. Remember to always do the corners first and then the edges, makes it easier. You can just click and drag the pieces out of the way from the center to make room to do the puzzle.

Click to Mix and Solve

I love this very artistic wrought iron gate against a blue sky! I did this one in the 20 piece bird shape and it was quite a challenge, especially if you are used to regular jigsaw shaped pieces. It helps you to think outside the box. Hope you have fun with this!

How about a second helping? I hope your creativity has been fed, now how about sharing that with someone else? I meant to post this last week but it was such a week I forgot. I read this over at Treasures Found blog by Erin Prais-Hintz and have been gathering things to share myself. You all are aware of the Earthquake in Haiti and the disasters that followed. Please go to Erin's blog and read about how you as a crafter or artist can help the women of Haiti with your extra helpings of craft supplies, and join Haiti by Hand in doing this worthwhile project. Then download the list and print it out so you can go through your stash and help another. I think this is a wonderful way to help, not just sending money but sending hope and a sense of worth and be sure to include a note as Rebecca suggests to the women and share a bit about yourself with them, I'm sure it will be worth it's weight in gold!

We didn't start you with any soup, but here's something for the 'nuts' course. :)

Now go and have one of these kinds of weekends, relaxed and at peace.




  1. Thank you so much Kate for spreading the love! Imagine my surprise that I was featured as dessert (which you can never had enough of by the way!). My daughter's 9th birthday is today, and we are collecting for the Haiti By Hand project in lieu of birthday gifts from all her friends. We like to do that so it is really not that remarkable. I hope that others will read about that here and find out how they can help empower some pretty humble women to have the strength to persevere...and I can't wait to buy what they make!
    Enjoy the day! Happy Sabbath to you!

  2. Hi Erin, Yes, your wonderful post on that project is not just dessert but the cherry on top! I loved that article and immediately went and ran off a list of needs. But got so involved in that I forgot to come back and say thanks for posting that! I love that I can help out this way and I'm sure others have plenty to share too! I hope this is read today, but just in case I will post it again, just as a reminder as everyone is busy and sometimes and way too often we get information overload and need a gentle reminder. Thanks for stopping by! I am still trying to come up with something for your Universe challenge, but need a bit more brainstorming time........:)
