
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Summary

Happy Sabbath to you all, hope you are having a great rest from all the busyness of the past week. In case you missed any of what's been going on here this past week I've made a summary for you so you won't miss a thing!

Monday - We returned to Mystery Monday after a one week break for the One World One Heart tour I was taking. This weeks photo I've had some great guesses on and even some things I didn't think of but no correct answers yet! So put your artists berets on and get thinking and send me your guess. Click on the link to mystery Monday above to get full details and to view the photo.

On Monday I also announced my nine winners in my OWOH giveaway in a different post, so if you missed that, please check it out here.

Tuesday ~ We returned with Team T International Member feature with Catherine Reese of Village Clayworks who paints her clay pieces like a canvas with pen drawings filled in with brilliant color and her subject are tiny creatures like ladybugs, dragonflies and little sweet birdies. Check out the feature here.

Wednesday ~ Was What's new and there was lots to share, First about my debut as a blogger for ABS Blog Carnival. And to tie in the theme with the ABS challenge of the month I presented my entry of Luna Park. I've also given an insight to my design process of this piece and there is a great aerial photo of Coney Island Merry go Rounds that fit with the theme and the artist is offering a discount for my readers. To read about all this please click here.

Thursday ~ I gave you some specials in the art/craft stores this week including a great deal on polymer clay and jewelry gems and components. I also alerted you to Lark call for submissions on rings, a new giveaway from Elliot Lucca and Harper books and introduced you to Bookswapping, where you can trade your used/read books, CD's and even DVD's for those you haven't read or listened to or read yet. In fact I already joined one on the spur of the moment Thursday night and already have over 9,000 books, dvd's and cd's I can trade my unwanted books for. I purposely put in an eclectic mix just to see if it would work with anything not just popular items and was pleasantly surprised! So go have a read at Thoughtful Thursday's post and see if this isn't for you and your family!

Friday ~ I introduced you to the article on Pablo Picasso's Daughter Paloma as well as Macy's Spring Look Book which also includes the trends to be seen this Spring in clothing and accessories, as well as the color palettes which some are taken from Master Artists like Van Gogh and Picasso. I also introduced you to a 'Take a break' past time that will hopefully give your mind a break in the day and focus your creativeness for later projects with JigZone. And I finished off the week with a photo of perfect relaxation. If you missed this post, you won't want to miss it again, so click here to go check out all these things from Feed Your Creativity Friday.

Well that's it dear readers for this week. I will see you on Monday when I announce the winner of the Mystery Monday photo. If you haven't gotten in your guess yet, do so now!

Have a wonderful weekend, relax, revive, rejuvenate!

Until then.......................... I'm off to do some bookswapping!

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