
Friday, March 5, 2010

Feed Your Creativity Friday -OWOH Gifts in the Mail

I participated in the One World One Heart project back in February and wanted to share with you the goodies I got. I didn't quite make half of the blogs but still have a full list I intend to visit all of them. If you are interested you can view them here and see which ones I've been to.

The first one I found out about and received was from A Celtic Angel whose blog can be found here, My Journey into Art. Right now she is advertising a $100 giveaway you might want to check out. You can see my prize here as she holds it up in front of her real life inspiration. And up top is picture I took of it when I received it, it now hangs over my piano. I love it, it reminds me of the industriousness of squirrels that are always preparing, searching for food. storing it even when they aren't hungry, as well as building nests and constantly fixing them up with new leaves. I can't remember how many times I've watched right before sundown a few of the mama squirrels mouths full of leaves running up the trees to 'feather the nest' and make it cozy for the night. We've been feeding them corn on the cob this winter and they eat the corn and then make off with the cob. I think they are using it for re-purposed insulation in their nests. They even made off with the corn cob holder, THAT I can't figure out what they possibly did with it.

I received my gift wrapped in a piece of vintage table cloth that reminded me of my Grandmothers, 1950's vintage for sure, tied with a ribbon. Great way to save a tree! Since you can click on the link above to see the full image at her blog I have shown a close up here. I think this is one of my first multi-media pieces from another artist. Painting, photography, stamping and embellishments of a silver key and the word HOME, pull this all together to show up above up, usually hidden among the leaves reside the homes of other creatures. Now's the time to look up and see if you can spot any before the branches fill out with leaves! Thanks Mary Beth!

My next Arrival was this beautiful card set By Susan Himmel of Susan Himmel Art Impressions in Water color and mixed media. When I discovered Susan on my fast flight around the world on my magic carpet I was captured by her pears. I love pears, there's just something about them and I myself have been working on some in my own art medium and have plans for more.

I was the third place winner and the prize was a floral card set but since I had told Susan how much I loved her pears she so generously sent me this beautiful set of Apples and Pear cards instead! Aren't they great? I think I will be framing these instead of writing notes with them!

And I found another watercolor in her etsy shop that I just love. Many that know me well know I have quite a collection of stones, rocks and have since a child, it is one of the very few things I have not grown tired of collecting. I tried painting rocks even in a water color class years ago but never came close the the beauty and reality that Susan has in her painting. Aren't they beautiful? if you click on the picture it will take you there to River Rocks. Thanks again Susan!

My last win of the OWOH giveaways arrived smelling so wonderful, I couldn't wait to open the box. I opened the Priority box to find it packed with almost 2lbs of hand made soap from Sweet Sally. The box was almost over flowing with a sampler of nine half bars of wonderful looking and fragrant soaps. Each one is labeled with tantalizing names like Lavender Swirl, Jasmine and Shea, Patchouli Vanilla, I Love Coffee, Carrot, Lemon Poppyseed, Green Tea, Patchouli Orange, and Dead Sea Mud. They are in the size she calls half bars defiantly can be handled easily. Now I've tried three times to buy handmade soaps online and each time was disappointed. The one time I bought a sampler and even though I had the names of them from the listing, when they arrived they were not labeled and sniffing them yielded no distinction, and they were practically slivers so hard to really try out properly. They really skimped on the essential oils, but not so with Sally, these are overflowing with wonderful fragrance So as you can imagine I am eager to try these soaps. Sally also offers a Soap of the month Club which if I like these enough I may be joining! She had over 400 entries and one winner and I am thankful that was me! Now I just have to figure out which one I want to try first, very hard to choose, but what fun it will be!

You can choose your favorites to try in this 9 half bar sampler. She also has 12 and 6 sizes too. Check out her etsy shop here, Sweet Sallys Soap.
Thank You Sweet Sarah! :)

And for those of you who won my giveaways, I am busy working on something just for you and you should be getting your packages as soon as I finish!

Enjoy your weekend, here we are promised a Temp of almost 50 degrees!



  1. and here there are snow flurries! crazy... what incredible gifts you got... just as i started to catch on to this, it was over... what a neat way to share and meet people...

  2. Thanks so much for including me in your lovely write up. You must be one of those very lucky people, you won some great stuff! I have a couple of different versions of my Soap of the Month Club in my etsy shop.

  3. What wonderful wins - the art pieces are beautiful and I was really intrigued by Sally's soaps too, I may just order myself a sampler when I'm next in the States.
