
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday -BookSwapping Adventures and Blog Award

Tonja Lenderman of Tonja's Polyclay Corner and Tonja's Treasures has chosen my blog for the Sunshine Award. I am thankful to get this from such an distinguished colleague. I am happy to know that others like my writing as it is my favorite thing to do besides my art. Thank you Tonja!

The rules say that I need to pass this award along to 12 other blogs, I’ll do my best.

Here are the rules, so please pass this award along….
The rules for accepting the Sunshine Award are:
- Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
- Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Here are a few of the blogs I find inspiring, some I have been following for awhile others are newly discovered, some through the One World One Heart Event -

  1. The Art and Musings of Shelley Rae Wood -Fiber and Mixed Media artist, you'll find some great fiber/quilt eye candy there! I love all the vintage crazy quilts she has on there right now.
  2. The Magic Onions - Donni shares her life of crafting, children and the Waldorf lifestyle with many tutorials, recipes and family pictures.
  3. Going Green Crafters and Artists - Defiantly a 'Green' blog something close to my heart, hopefully yours too!
  4. The Letter Project - Hand writing is almost becoming obsolete. Danit has started this project to help keep it alive.
  5. Holly's Folly Bead and Jewelry Blog - A great entertaining writer and Bead maker, a must to check out and follow!
  6. Rusted Wings Gallery - mixed media art by a mother of 6 artistic daughters.
  7. Debi Scott - Newly discovered, Virtual PC guild
  8. Polymer Clay Beads - Ponsawan Sila's bead blog, a must see
  9. Jennifer Jangles - colorful Bead and Jewelry maker, Fun, Bright and whimsical!
  10. Smashing Color -Color Diva Maggie Maggio explores color in ways you can't imagine!
  11. Treasures Found- Inspiration is Everywhere - Blog of Jewelry maker Extraordinaire Erin Praise- Hintz and wonderful blogger!
  12. The Beading Gem's Journal - Great Jewelry tips and tutorials, always something to learn on there.


Hey all ! I wanted to update you on my Book Swapping adventures. Remember me telling you about this two weeks ago on this Edition of Thoughtful Thursday? I joined one of the three Book Swap groups that I told you about, SwapTree two weeks ago today. I've only listed a few books I had hanging around which was not much to choose from (I wish I'd know about this before I gave away, literally boxes and boxes of books!). I listed some hardbacks, some paperbacks, in total 18 books and one CD. On my want list I had about the same amount. In that short time I have made three trades for books, one for a DVD and one just today for a CD. So with my limited trading library I think I did pretty good so far.

I haven't watched my DVD yet but it is still in it's factory wrapper. I've received two of the three books so far and they are in great shape and came quickly. And right now I am waiting for my offer to trade for my CD to be accepted.

Here's what I've found out by belonging this short time:

  1. It's easy to join
  2. You can print out postage to immediately ready your trade for mailing with out a trip to the Post Office, They do charge a small fee for this but unless you are purposely going to the PO you will spend more in gas alone to do so.
  3. You get billed to your credit card on file at the end of the month for all postage printed out from them. (they have already figured out the weight of the book plus wrapping and allow for safe wrapping of the books. The charge is media mail.
  4. There is a feedback system which helps you to trade wisely.
  5. Even if you don't find an immediate trade, one to one, Swaptree will search it's data base for you and look for a three way trade. All the ones I've been in are three ways, that is how I got a DVD for a book.
  6. I have received offers as soon as they find them, but you must be quick to accept, make sure the email address you use is one you check daily. I have initiated offers (2) and had them accepted within the 48 hour period required.
  7. One thing to be cautious of, make sure you are willing to trade what you have for anything on your want list. Even if you have a $50 cocktail table book that weights 5 lbs you can be asked to trade that for a paperback, they view all books as 'equal value' no matter what they cost you or what they weight. AND if you turn down too many trades your account can be suspended.
  8. You can 'Pause' your account which means to halt all incoming trades so you don't loose your privileges when going on vacation or wanting to not be bothered with swaps for awhile which is a great feature, especially when just beginning and listing many books. You may get offers each day and just not have the time to devote to all the swapping so you can put your account in this mode.
So far my experience has been very positive, I have gotten a new movie to watch, I (hopefully) have a movie soundtrack coming that I've been looking for, and have two books so far that when priced in the bookstore would have cost close to $20 new and another on the way. One other thing I forgot to mention is that Swaptree keeps track of the money you save. I think they use a pricing range that second hand books, DVD's and CD's would fall under but still, right now I have saved over $24 and reduced my Carbon Footprint by 28 POUNDS! That is great to me and makes me feel even better about this service.

So Now I can give an informed (albeit new) recommendation to this service and urge you to give it a try.

One thing I did find is that there aren't too many Craft/art/jewelry books on there, at least what I'm looking for or to trade and I've looked for other services that might specialize in that genre but haven't found any so far, maybe I should start one myself? Hmm...............

Don't forget Mystery Monday take a guess for a chance at a surprise goodie bag!



  1. How nice of you to think of me Kate! I am honored that you enjoy my blog. The feeling is mutual. Now I must go off and check out some of the blogs that are new to me.
    Enjoy the day!

  2. Kate, WOW!!! Thank you so much! I feel so honored! I'm so glad you like my blog. Yours is lovely!

    Thank you again!

  3. Thanks very much the award! That was sweet of you. I will start following you!

  4. Thanks for the heads up on the swap site. I have sooo many books that I have already read
