
Monday, April 5, 2010

Mystery Monday - New and Improved!

Hi, and Happy April! Happy Spring (March 20th) and Happy Monday!

We are back with Mystery Monday, New and improved. I told you last month that it was getting a bit much for me to keep up with this plus my other writing schedule and also to have a winner each week, and to come up with something special for each winner. I got behind on this and for that I do apologize. The OWOH event really set me back and I am just catching up on my special gifts for the winners.

I do want to keep doing this as many of you have expressed the fun you have had each Monday coming by and trying to guess the Mystery Photo, so I want to continue. I've just changed the rules a bit.

Each Monday a new photo will be posted. Follow the same as before, comment here that you are participating, and then email me your guess. Every Monday a new photo will be posted but we will only have one winner per month. All the responses will be put in the drawing, and yes I am still going to put in everyone's name, right or wrong, it's That you played that counts! :)

So, then at the end of the month I will draw one name from all those who emailed me a guess for all the months photos, (yes you can do one week, two weeks, etc or all!) and the winner will get a special Mystery Monday gift just for them. This way I don't get overwhelmed and no one will get shortchanged. I am doing this because I know it's great to get something just for you because you are special, and my readers are special to me. I found out that this is a world wide feeling when participating in the OWOH event as I choose to make something special for each of my winners. In fact they each got two gifts! So I want to continue this on through out the year which will carry us through to the next OWOH event.

I know many of you have found my blog and become followers through that event but maybe didn't win the giveaway so this is like another chance, or many more! :)

So I hope you all will continue to participate, and don't worry, if you won before, that's ok, please keep playing. If I draw a name of a previous winner I will give you a 'consolation prize' and draw a new winner so you still have a chance too!

So to start us all off for the month ( and there will be 4 Mystery Photos this month with the winner announced on May 3) here is your first Photo.

Photo credit Organic Odysseys

Have Fun!

All Photographs are property of blog owner and cannot be used without permission