
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Organic Odysseys Published

It was not supposed to be completed until today but Tejae Floyd finished ahead of time and her new book: Polymer Artists Showcase: "An inspiring collection of Polymer Art Designs' has been published. Congratulations Tejae on a wonderful first book! I got news of this at the end of last week but because of pre-scheduled posts and the Holiday I wasn't able to post until now. And no, this isn't an April Fools joke! :)

Oh, why am I telling you about this? Because it is full of wonderful, creative works of art by many Polymer clay artists, some you may know and some you may not know.

Here's a few to whet your appetite:

Tejae Floyd the author of this new book!
Marcia Palmer
Kim Cavender
Laura Timmins
Tina Farthing
Mary Ellen Nichols
Sarah Shriver
Julie Picarello
Valerie Aharoni
Maggie Maggio
Dayle Doroshow
Sharon Palac
Bettina Welker
Eugena Topina
Jana Roberts Benzon
Mags Bonham
Alice Stroppel
Sharon Amir
Lisa Clark

And many more, including your's truly. Tejae chose two of the five pieces I submitted. While neither one is really from my Organic line (using a botanical for texture) one is 'green', my earth friendly recycled light bulb, Pear. I plan on doing a series of these and have finally collected enough blown light bulbs and figured out how to display them to proceed, so look for them to be coming out over the summer.

The other piece featured in the book was from my AlmostARTifacts shop, An Amber and Turquoise paperclip bracelet that was made to help support ongoing awareness of the Holocaust. It is now in the collection of Kathi Gose.

About the book:

Polymer Artists Showcase includes popular well known polymer artists as well as never before published artists. Polymer art photos were collected from contributing artists from all over the globe. This photo book is an eclectic mix of jewelry, sculpture and various polymer art. An inspiring resource. Full color photos include artists name, flickr name and website (if available). A great gift for any polymer enthusiast.

40 pages, full color and can be purchased here from the publishing company or you can get a signed one from my shop shortly for the same price. (I hope that doesn't make me sound too full of myself!) You can also preview the book there in full color.

Something else of interest, today I am being featured on Your Daily Muse News.

So even though last week brought me heartbreaking and devastating news this week I have been blessed with these things that take out the sting a bit and help to bring healing and I am very grateful for that!



  1. Hi Kate... I'm having a lot of trouble this past week or so reading your blog on my old computer.... my browser keeps sticking and my computer is overwhelmed... very frustrating...I went on my husbands computer to see if it did the same thing and it doesn't because his pc is newer... but I saw the giant treasury at the bottom... maybe it is too much for older computers??

    Hope I don't have to say goodbye, I love your blog... :(

  2. That is awesome and your pear is awesome!! (And you know I love your amber and turquoise!)
    So sorry to hear you were dealing with bad news, but hurray for happy things like this. Wishing you much more!

  3. Thank you A~! I so appreciate that!

    Mary, I'm sorry you are having troubles, and you may come up against this on other blogs soon too. Just last week Blogger introduced some new templates to use, which they have sorely been out of date with for some time. Enough people complained and they came out with a whole new look, many more choices for layouts, and backgrounds and such. I tried a three column but didn't like how it made my posts look even longer! If it's the mini etsy that is doing it I will make that smaller and you can let me know how it goes. Also have you tried to reduce what's on your screen? By that I mean to hold down your control key and use the scroll on your mouse to make the print smaller. It will do so to the whole blog page and that may help.

  4. Kate, thank you for the kind words. It was a labor of love. thank you for participating. I hope you get lots of exposure from it. :)

