So yesterday I spent about 4-5 hours downstairs cleaning, organizing, tossing in trash, tossing in Goodwill boxes, holding on to a few 'vintage items' to try and sell on my etsy
Polkadotsandals shop which is mainly for supplies, some sewing items and vintage. And today I just gave it another hour or so. I can see my furniture again, the sectional, the sofa bed, the table for four, the 10' bar, and even in my work room my sewing table is bare, as is my general work table ( a 4x8' piece of plywood on saw horses). So it's getting there. I love to recycle, even packaging, and the room was also getting over run with all kinds of boxes so I wouldn't have to buy any or use a brand new one from the post office when the ones I had received things in the mail were perfectly re-usable. So the end seems in sight. I also cleaned off my clay table last night. I know I should have taken before pictures, but I was too depressed by all of it before and I think if I had them to look at, I wouldn't' have gotten past the 'Before' stage!
Mind you I keep everything else in my house neat and organized, I believe in the old adage,
"A place for everything and everything in it's place!" And woe to the one who takes something and doesn't put it back where it belongs when I go looking for it! ( that goes for myself as well! :) )
But it seems that art supplies are a different story, perhaps it's because we are concentrating on 'being creative' more so than 'being neat' about it, and the second thing, I think, is because we keep accumulating before using what we have, always with the good intention of , 'I can use this' but we never or rarely do.
So, I've decided 'less is more' and the art materials downsizing has spilled over to the rest of the house. I went through my kitchen and Goodwill boxed appliances and such that I don't use or that just don't work right for my style of cooking, which is probably why this is taking longer than it should, but I will have a great jump on spring cleaning and I'd rather do this in the winter and save on fuel to keep me warm by all this 'heavy labor' instead of sweating through the summer trying to do it ( I've already suffered Heat exhaustion from trying to unpack and set up a household under two weeks with no AC and in 95+ heat).

So when I finally finished for the day ( early this morning , around 4am) I needed a little down time and visited around the net. Checked emails and found that I had one over at etsy, which after reading, found I had been featured in a wonderful treasury.
Some of my readers from the beginning will maybe remember my post about Pointy Paws (
Organic Odysseys meets Pointy Paws), if you haven't read it yet I urge you to do so. This was also blogged about on the 'I'm Nice' blog.
I have set aside in my
etsy shop a special section for items made from the materials sent to me, called
Pointy Paws charity items. My Tuscan style Morning glory pod pendant was found ( one of the few items I used a charity tag on , I will have to amend that on the others!) through a search I am guessing and put in this wonderful treasury by
deathlycute and it features items that are up for sale for a cause. I think this is probably one of the best promotional treasuries I've seen and have the pleasure and honor to be in.

I decided to look through some more and found I was featured in this lovely Spring green one! Which is so welcoming now as I look out the patio doors to the bare muddy ground. It's been warmer and so our snow has melted and turned the backyard into a mud bath, which by the way, as I am typing this I looked up and out there and saw two of my squirrels just jump up and tussle with each other ( they like to play king of the corn pile, we put out cracked corn, mainly for the deer, which I'll have to show you pics of some other time, but they think because they are here all day, it belongs to them! ). So this lovely collage of springy things is wonderful to look at and wonderful to be part of! Thanks to
firescure! Check it out and forget it's winter!
Oh, it's my
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Time double switch plate that is featured! Which is a very down to earth, neutral, go-with-any-decor piece, done in vintage sepia tones and highlighted with a gold rub for just a little 'bling'!
Next I decided to peruse the Regular treasury and found I was in two others, that expired early this afternoon, but I got screen shots for you to see.

First there was this one, ------------>
a BNR by
adorkable1 in which she randomly choose items on etsy and if someone buys something from it, she replaces with something from their shop, so it's kinda just for sellers only. It was nice to be included in it, even though
my ring didn't sell.

Then there was this very artistically done one by my guild mate Julie, from
Juliespace titled
'In the Garden with Kitty'. It is not only artistic but very springy and humorous as well, get a look at that cats eyes!
She graciously added my Tuscan style Oregano blossom brooch to this wonderful assortment.
These two are done now, but were running concurrently as of last night with the top two, I think that is a record for me so far as I know! The other two are still active so click on the pictures and it will bring you to them, so you can click and comment if you feel so moved!
That's it for now. I am hoping to do some more in the studio today and since my desk area is clear................................who knows what may happen?
Till next time, keep it Real ( istic)! :)