I was thrilled when I saw the artwork for the August Challenge from Art Bead Scene at the beginning of the month. I had a piece I was waiting to create something with that would be worthy of this artwork. But life happens, I lost my job, and death happens, I lost my best friend. It has been hard and I couldn't bring myself out of my grief long enough to go into the studio. But I felt myself drowning, almost as if I were being swept away by this wave, I then realized I needed to get into the studio, wither I wanted to or not.
I actually wanted to complete the Inro to go with this but couldn't get out to get more of the clay I needed, and didn't have the time. So I went for making the netsuke, the piece that counter balances the Inro when hung on the obi that binds the kimono. I used a vintage wood block that I think was used for wallpaper printing to make a mold to pattern the faux cinnabar with. I thought it was appropriate since the artwork for the challenge is a wood block print of Mt Fuji by the artist Hiroshige.
I've taken this picture of my necklace leaning up against my first jewelry box. I've had this since about 7 years old so it is quite vintage. I never realized until today when taking the picture that Mt Fuji was featured on the top.
Be sure to check out all the great entries from the Challenge here at the Art Bead Scenes flickr group.
It's been cathartic, and it has helped to raise my head above the water. I hope that it will continue and I thank all of those of you who have left words of encouragement and sympathy for me, they mean a lot. TY.