I think we are in our third week of constant rain. Just yesterday under 24 hours we had an inch, that on top of over two weeks of rain, severe thundershowers, and downpours and more rain, and I don't even live in Seattle! And yesterday despite all that rain we lost our water for half the day! What's the old saying, water water everywhere and not a drop to drink? We did get it turned back on right in time for making dinner though, I'm sure glad I drink bottled water and have lots of waterless hand cleaner and wipes around!
I hate to think what this is doing to the crops at the farm. I know that the strawberries are getting watery, this past week we didn't even get any of the spring greens, their tender leaves beaten by the downpours. And only a handful of peas, seems like last year repeating itself with a vengeance. At least I grabbed a few for molds but that may be all I see.

It is hard to be stuck inside because of the weather, especially with the weekend coming up, I know the South is getting super high temps, so although sunny, too sweltering to go out. So if you are going to be holed up in your house this weekend because it just is too horrible to go outside maybe this is the time to spend at something creative? I thought I would offer you a few avenues to view and perhaps pursue, if something strikes your fancy.
Paper Crafts, Scrapbooking and Photo tipsFor those who love Scrap booking, and using your pc to get the greatest pages, I found a site that has loads of tutorials on all aspects! Check it out at
Cottage Arts. These aren't just for scrap-bookers though, anyone with an online store is sure to be able to use some of the tutorials to make their photos look oh so much better!
Need some graph paper to lay out your ideas, maybe the kids need some for a project, or hubby needs it for a presentation? Don't waste gas and make a trip to the store, you can download and print out your own of any size from
this great site! And
Polymer Clayers! if you print out the Engineering Graph paper in inches and in the 1/4" engineering graph paper size onto a transparency, you can cut this up into all kinds of measuring templates to use in jewelry making, such as tiles, blocks, and even for color mixing. Just choose your template (I have one that is 2" x 8" and makes a great measuring device for bracelets, pendant, anything you want perfectly square. Also since it's transparent you can see through it to line up on the clay very easily. If you take some 800-1000 grit sandpaper and gently rough it up so it's not so slick it will stick to the clay and stay while you make your cut using both hands to get a straight cut. Just be careful not to scratch it or it will imprint that texture in your clay.
Polymer Clay and Jewelry MakingDo you scrap book AND use Polymer Clay? If you do you know that there are a lot of tools and embellishments that are interchangeable between these two crafts. Check out what one scraper uses to
condition her polymer clay. Another way to use some items in a scrapbookers arsenal is in making jewelry. This website offers many ideas and lots of pictures to follow. She uses dominoes as the base, but these can also be used with certain papers ( treated with maybe a gel medium first) as well as polymer clay. Take a look at
The Enchanted Gallery for all kinds of ideas.
Ever try making a flower cane? Maybe this weekend is the time, since you can't be out enjoying the real thing, making this may be the next best thing!
This tutorial is from
Naama Zamir, a very talented Israeli Polymer clay Artist.
Organic and Environmentally Friendly ( Recycling, Up-cycling)Got kids? Drink a lot of Milk? then you probably have these hanging around or can save up some very quickly. Great elegant recycling craft, and would look fabulous on a back porch or deck. I think it has that Capiz shell lamp look (and those are quite pricey too).
Esprit CabaneDrink a lot of soda or other beverages in cans? You recycle, right? :) But what about those pop tops?
Check out this very detailed tute (lots of pictures so you can't go wrong) that only takes the pop tops and some pull tabs (these can be bought at your local dollar store if you don't happen to have some on hand). And if you haven't gotten together with the kids to make something for Daddy yet for
FATHER'S, DAY ,this could be the thing. Very cool, manly, and 'green'!
This next project could be done using recycled materials. If you go to any yard sales, thrift stores, things like that and can pick up an unused canvas, you will be saving it from the landfill. This has a neat theme to it, but right now I am thinking
FATHER's DAY so I am suggesting if you need a gift for Dad, young or old, this would be a great gift. Quick to do, and very inexpensive if you have a blank canvas and some black, brown or navy paint. You can use the words they have or how about, 'We love you Dad! ' This can be hung next to his dresser and used as a night light, and he can still see it in the morning while he dresses for work and be reminded of his families love. If your Father is elderly this would be thoughtful to hang in his hallway to give a little light and love while he passes by on one of those inevitable trips to the 'library' at night :)
Really this can be used in so many ways! You can make the color hot pink with the words: 'Princess' and hang it in your daughters, or granddaughters room. They are so quick and easy, you can gift just about anyone with these with the appropriate phrase! Have fun and here are the directions from
Design Sponge.
Something Tasty
Art is food and Food is Art, how lovely! I always wanted to learn how to do this!
My favorite comfort food even in the summer! and here's
10 ways to indulge! I can't eat many of these but they sure looks yummy!
Why not give one or two a try?
Hope for things to come from the Good earth!
I love these Love Apples! did you know there were so many kinds? If you can't wait until they ripen,
try this recipe. Or just read the book or rent the movie!
Want to let the kids make breakfast for Dad on Sunday, (
Father's Day) keep the mess to a minimum AND be 'green' at the same time?
Try this cool recycling project that lets you choose the ingredients (good especially for those who use GF mixes or homemade batters). Don't forget the Pure maple syrup!
Treats for the SoulI wouldn't want to farm
these but they sure are a joy to behold! Aren't all those greens fabulous?!
Perhaps the
most patient Artist alive?
I got
Sunshine, on a cloudy day.................
And I leave you with
this and hope you have a pleasant weekend! Hey and let me know how you like these blogs and website and if they've done anything to perk up and inspire you this weekend, I'd love to hear from you!