I received this from my fellow Guild Member
Jan Geisen, a fantastic artist, a little over a week ago, but it came just before Passover and there just wasn't time to post about it, nor to give consideration to those that I would bestow this upon. It was given because she thinks my blog is creative and inspirational, and in return, I get to nominate women whose blogs inspire and encourage me. Please make sure to check out Jan's shop if you haven't already.
I have taken some time to go through all the blogs I frequent, and although I enjoy reading them all ( or else they wouldn't be on my list or I wouldn't be subscribed to them) these I find I really look forward to reading each time they publish.
Wonderful Wire - This is Mary, of
wonderfulwire.etsy.com and her blog is called
livingwithwalls . Mary is living her dream on a boat ( I always wanted to live on a house boat, and Florida in the cooler months always was a possibility) and doing her wonderful art despite the cramped quarters as well as other limitations, but is a ray of sunshine after a storm in her inspirational posts. Please take time to visit the shop of this beautiful Florida artist.
Next is Amanda of
Polyclarific.etsy.com . Amanda has a full life as a mother, a pastors wife and all around crafter and artist. She always has some amusing or interesting antidote to share about her life, 'down under' and inspires me with all she does. Stop in to
her shop to see her varied and eclectic selection of all things Polymer and some of her textile art, and check out
her blog called Oddsocks, too!
Another favorite is a favorite of many others I'm sure, but still on my list for her funky, eclectic, a bit nerdy, colorful and always interesting day to day bites of the life of the owner of
PolkaDot cottage, Lisa Clarke. You can visit her blog and store there and
her etsy shop here. Take a read, a look and I'm sure you will fall in love with her writing and artistic style as well! ( right now I am envying her as she is where I'd like to be this weekend~!) .
Next up is a woman who has pioneered a blog that features only Judaica Artists and has very graciously, featured a few of my pieces there over the past months. I love reading her Shabbat haiku, and anything else she writes about or features. This award goes to Dr.Mom. Here is her
inspiring blog Judaica Journal , stop in and send some good thoughts and prayers her way as she has been seriously ill of late.
My next choice is someone whom I've never met, but have read all I can about, and that is
Tori Hughes, or Victoria Hughes. When I came back to polymer clay years ago, I went to the local library and found her innovative book,
Polymer, The Chameleon Clay. I took that book out and renewed it more times than I can remember. I was fascinated with her work and I had also seen an article in a Jewelry magazine that I read and reread over and over. ( Oh, and BTW, I finally was able to get my hands on my very own copy, which I treasure). I loved the history she gave the new clay, and it inspired me to do pieces of things that interested me from ancient times, different cultures but, with the added patina of time. I have also been following her blog ( which she doesn't update enough for my appetite ;) )
Log notes for Creative Action and have also been inspired by that, so, my reason for bestowing the award to her. Her works can be seen,
here and
here .Another of my favorites is another fellow guild member,
Valerie Aharoni. Even though she doesn't write nearly enough of what I'd like to read, what she does write is always interesting and leaves you wanting more! She is a wonderful artist and award winner, but more important a lovely soul that reaches out to share what she acquires through trial and error with anyone who is smart enough to look and learn. Her
shope is full of wonderful OOAK pieces that must be looked at to fully appreciate, and
her blog is defiantly worth listing in your reader to follow every time she publishes!
And last but certainly not least ( you just know I couldn't pick only 5, didn't you? :) ) , is Kim Cavender ( with an 'e') ;) . What can I say about Kim that hasn't already been said or known about her? Nothing I can think of so I will risk repeating what you may already know, but certainly is no crime to read again. She is a very talented and fun loving artist, and polymer clay is her medium to best express that. Since first becoming 'acquainted' with her through television like on the Carol Duvall show, as well as many tutorial articles in Polymer Cafe, I felt there was a kindred spirit there, especially when I read her mini artist bio in PC, that she thought that Lime Green was the new neutral. :) The first time I read that, I said out loud, "me too!' And that is not the only thing I feel I have in common with the Lady of uncommon things, we both share a love for the organic, the natural, the beauty in what many take for commonplace but in reality, is very special. As well as bright organic colors mixed with black and white ( something I used to do in my quilt making days and haven't quite transitioned that to my clay work just yet).
You can see all this in her works in
her etsy shop, and in
her blog as well. Take a look if you haven't already and discover this fantastic artist.
Well I guess I had better finish up or this will be my first and last award, cause I am so long winded!
Have fun discovering, or rediscovering these great inspirational ladies!